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I'm going to be reviewing all the original versions of the games in the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1. Posted my Meta...

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Plans For 2023

This will be a short one...I promise you.

Over the past few years, I kind of stepped away from gaming. Not really games but more gaming culture. Just over two years ago I decided to try the Film 365 Challenge, which is where you watch one new movie per day. I kept doing it for just over two and a half years.

Now that I'm burnt out with movies, well at least watching movies at home. I want to get back into gaming communities and take part in the conversation. Blog more, review more games, and write more articles and essays about games and gaming culture.

So what I want to do in January is start by tackling my backlog and then kicking into Dead Space Remake at the end of January.

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