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I'm going to be reviewing all the original versions of the games in the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1. Posted my Meta...

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The Issue Of Subtitles

I was reading Mark Kermode's book "The Good, The Bad and The Multiplex" the other day, where he started to talk about films from Asia and Europe being remade by American studios. He believes the reason for this is that US audience refuse to read subtitles (a trend he has noticed slipping into the UK & Irish film scene too).

He then goes on to talk about how these remakes are losing a lot in translation, for example, he uses the Sweedish film "Let The Right One In" which was remade in the US as "Let Me In". One is a story about children where one happens to be a Vampire, while the remake is a vampire film that just so happens to feature kids.

What I want to ask is, do you have a problem watching non-English films or reading subtitles?