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Games I refuse to put as the actual number 9 slot in my 2016 games list.

Okay so I did actually play more than 10 games this year. Yet... these games that I want to love so much just have too many issues to give credit or recommend to anyone.

List items

  • Fuck this beautiful fucking game that nobody will ever learn how to play properly. To this day I have never played a game where all 10 people stayed in the game. It also changes so much to try to stay relevant that it honestly feels like Unreal just doesn't know what to do with it at this point.

  • IT WAS SO CLOSE. This game was the best game Suda 51 had ever made... until you reach floor 20 and get access to Rank 3 fighters, then the ENTIRE game collapses on itself. It scales to YOUR floor progress, so haters that have no business being in floor 1 when you're trying to level new characters show up and just fucking murder you to death for guessing wrong just once. Rank 4-5 fighters make raiding an absolute nightmare. Raiding is actually virtually useless, so nevermind that last part. Last but not least, paying for the elevator fucking sucks. Its the best premise for a videogame ever made, it has phenomenal style and humor... it's just a shame the Suda jank suffocates the game to nigh unplayable levels.

  • Rootkit Fighter V, but I still think that's still not enough to say about this game. Me and my friends were so excited about this game, and we loved it even in its barebones state. Then the months of broken promises and inaction to fix ranked happened. Yes the game is finally up to what it was supposed to be, but even when it was they still managed to release a piece of content that put people's computers at risk.