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Okay so a fun fact about those sales numbers. Theres a ton of materials you get from just buying Versus you can use in the actual browser game that are extremely expensive to buy on their own with real money or extremely rare to get because they rarely give them out or have hard caps on earning them in the game. The numbers for Versus are bound to be inflated because alot of people who DO play the browser game tend to just buy a product whenever they attach those items to a product. Heck the week that Cygame's "popular" horse girl anime Umamusume came out on BD, they attached a whole bunch of those material items to the BD and it outsold every actual popular anime for that week of sales.

I'm not trying to say that the game is bad or anything, or that its secretly failing. I'm just saying that people will definitely buy a 60-70 dollar game they don't normally play if it has Damascus Bars or Sunlight stones attached to it because on their own they are priced between 30-40 dollars to obtain on the regular. 25 million players!

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They didnt even... get to the actual meat of the Shadowbringers theme...

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@zombiepie: I completely agree with that sentiment, there's is so much anime being released on a seasonal basis that... it would be dangerously unhealthy to consume all of it. I find it great that I can find other people's opinions on shows I chose not to watch and maybe catch back up on it. Honestly if it wasn't for that I would have never found Made in Abyss.

The fact I think Gridman is so strong is yes their storytelling chops are bordering on the passable to bad, but Gridman is the best they've managed to do (Outside of Little Witch Academia... I guess) and that's mostly attributed to someone that isn't actually employed at Trigger wrote the story and he's essentially the guy who's written all of the Ultraman series to this point. Yes even I thought all the Rikka shots were a bit too much... it should bother me more than it does.

I should have labeled the category biggest surprise show, i didn't intend to include goings on in the industry. The only thing I really feel Zombie Land suffers from is... the extremely bad CGI during the live performances.

I have a friend who shares the same feelings on the Fist of the Blue Sky adaptation, but he was also way more excited for Kamuy. I had friends that had been hyping the manga up for a long time so I was always curious. The moment I watched it and decided to pick up the manga, then saw the amount of stuff that was being left out of the anime, for no real feasible reason I felt like Kamuy got shafted and deserved better. Not saying Fist of the Blue Sky doesn't either given its stature, I just don't have an affinity for it.

Pop Team has its moments, but yes its really just a meme show.

Goblin Slayer is what it is, and its one of those shows where I think its great but I know I can't just go around recommending it to everyone I meet. Made in Abyss is unfortunately the same way, especially in the manga with the current arc, there is a ton of way not okay content in Made in Abyss that make it hard to even enjoy at times. To be honest the reason why I didn't a "best adaptation" and gave it to Goblin Slayer is that theres a ton of actual properties that have no issues with questionable to extremely yikes content that should be done over a Light Novel that has so much graphic content that is totally not passable in a visual format.

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Edited By MeesterO

I would watch Spongebob the way Vinny remembers it

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the most important Ben of the day

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I think I'm the only one that thinks Mass Effect 1 was the best Mass Effect.

It's not even close, ME1 is probably the closest to what BioWare wanted to do with the series in the timeframe it was made/released. It had quite the vision.

ME2 is legitimately a better playing game but in the end is more grounded and polished.

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Ben's Lens is the old kind of content i have been missing for the last three years.

I appreciate this content.

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Fair enough about Jojo, Fair enough.

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I feel like the games that deliberately design with crowd interaction built in from the start just don't execute as opposed to the games that accidentally stumble into it with no stream support built in what so ever. Like if this game were meant to catch the world on fire I felt like it would have done it by now.

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Edited By MeesterO

Shoutouts to Dollar Hotdogs at the Coliseum.

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