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A large part of me really wants someone to convince Jeff to buy/watch upcoming AEW PPV this Sunday just so he can talk about the Exploding Barbwire Deathmatch between friend of the show Kenny Omega and the former Dean Ambrose in WWE, John Moxley.

Or, maybe I just wanna plug that someone in actually promoting such a match in 2021.

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Glad I'm not the only one who got hit with the "oh, I guess my top of the line phone from a year or two ago isn't good enough.". Like, there are ways to get the android app onto unsupported phones for the beta, and the reports so far seem to indicate it runs 'ok' on most phones, but yah. Sucks I can't get this working on mobile even yet.

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Regarding that momentary questioning of Star Trek's Transporter technology implications, and Vinny asking "is that really Scottie?" I can answer that for you, but the implications are worse once I have done so.

Do people get killed and a clone of them created every single time they are transported? If yes, it wasn't the real Scottie, if no, it was.

The reasoning is generally simple. Either whatever makes you you can remain fully intact when every molecule in your body is separated, and then reconstructed, or it doesn't. Enjoy the nightmare fuel that Ship of Theseus argument brings about to those who might never have been exposed too it before!

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Now this is a hell of a list. Not sure I am ever gonna be the target audience for the #1 game, but by gosh its going onto my short list of stuff to play if I ever need a sharp break from my norm, for sure it's now gone onto my "I am gonna give this one a chance when I get too it." list.

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Edited By BladedEdge

Worth saying to those who might go into 13 Sentinels now that Vinny has given it his "I am liking this." The gameplay can indeed be a turn off, and it might be worth turning the difficulty down once you've had your fill of it, just to blitz through the rest of the battle stuff to see the story play out. The revelations/ending are absolutely worth your time (one of my favorite stories in a long time).

That said, up until you get sick and tired of the battle system, I'd also advice you to put the difficulty on its maximum setting, it tends to be way too easy otherwise (and your likely to get tired of it even sooner honestly if it starts off as never being challenging. YMMV of course but yah. Start it on its hardest difficulty until you grow tried of it, drop it to super easy to blizt through it to finish off the story is a valid way to play that game.

edit-Also, just to not give the wrong idea. The combat isn't bad, there is just a bit too much of it IMO. Its fun to get used too it, master it, and play it out, they just ask you to do it a few more times then it remains fun. Game would have been better with about a 1/3rd less IMO of its combat missions over-all, but the first 2/3rds are still fun/worth playing out.

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Man I was looking forward to this feature and it really really under-delivers, to the point I'm not even sure its worth watching. Its not a pod-cast for one thing (why ever not? Why is this not on the premium feed that the hotspot is a part of?) But also, like, you can't just put this on in the background and listen too it, they don't let the songs play at a loud enough volume to be heard and recognized, let alone loud enough to be heard over them all talking.

Like, unless you know all the songs they mention already by title or music video alone (and only by title if your not watching the video/leaving it on in the background), you've got to what? Pause the video every-time they mention a song and go lookup the song/video on youtube to listen too it for yourself/remember what it was?

I am sure this was a lot of fun to do, but holy hell the format is abysmal in terms of viewer experience/quality. If you had a list of "How to make this feature suck to listen too for the majority of your audience" they checked off a dozen different boxes on that bingo card.

I want to like this, I really do. I want to love it. And kudos to all the people who can enjoy it. But hot damn.

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All I can say is there is often a reason the original is remembered but not often known about/played a lot. There have been so many advances and updates to the formula rogue is famous for naming that its not even worth mentioning any of them (Someone already did).

I'm totally for them playing the orignal in a feature, go nuts. I just hope people mostly/totally unfamiliar with the rogue-like genre of games don't see this as the pinnacle of what this kinda game can be/what people mean when they say they are big fans of it. Same way I wouldn't want people showing me the original street-fighter and trying to explain why fighting games are cool, say.

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My issues with Cyberpunk come down to the writing and ending, and its spoilers to explain in any detail (even hinting) as to why. I think its too early to talk about, even spoiler-blacked out, especially because the game is buggy enough/early access enough plenty of people are right to not play it for months.

Needless to say though, I look forward to hearing others who have finished it's thoughts on the ending in the coming months.

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@dan_citi: I mean, I liked Alpha Protocol. If Cyberpunk starts where that game ended, and they take a year or two to correct, update and really fix it? I'd totally take "Cyberpunk is what Alpha Protocol could have been if it had lots of post-launch stuff added and built up." Sounds good to me!

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Any mention of Vinny about this new Per Aspera city/planet builder game that just got released I've just come across? Something about an AI tasked with teraforming mars with a decent/surprisingly good story along with a great city-builder?

I'm curious to see him/alex has to say about games of that genre.