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    Silicon Studio

    Company »

    Silicon Studio is a game developer and technology company based in Tokyo, Japan. It was founded by former Silicon Graphics (SGI) senior vice president Teruyasu Sekimoto in 2000.

    Short summary describing this company.

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    The company's founder, Teruyasu Sekimoto, was formerly the senior vice president of Silicon Graphics (SGI), where he had worked since 1987. In 2000, he founded his own technology company called Silicon Studio in Japan.

    Video Games

    They have developed games for the Nintendo DS, one being based on the King of Tennis manga/anime series. They also worked with Square Enix as the developer of Bravely Default: Flying Fairy.

    Graphics Engines

    While the company has developed games, the company is a technology company, first and foremost. As a 3D technology company, it is best known for developing the Orochi Engine and the Yebis post-processing effects middleware, both of which have been utilized in various Square Enix games.

    Silicon Studio are currently working on a new 3D graphics engine, aiming to achieve "the world’s highest level" of real-time 3D graphics technology. It is called the Mizuchi Engine.


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