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I do wonder which data source it pulled from when it defaulted to my real name MICHAEL. I first noticed during voice selection and figured "oh it must be the name of the male voice" when I saw the subtitle but then the other voice also was titled "MICHAEL" (also, only 2 voice options?)

But yeah, I'm a damned furry so once I got my house I switched to WOLF. And yes, I'm eyeballing the wolf howl horn.

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#2  Edited By WulfBane

Its funny that Picross came up because I’ve actually gone through a few of those already. Latest one I was playing had a pretty good history of updates but I stopped checking in after it had gone over 2 months where I had finished all the content and there hadn’t been any more updates.

And that felt good. A part of my brain likes when I can leave something finished. But also yeah, World Flipper is getting deleted for a similar reason that I did finish the story and EX version of the available levels and the Skinner box has lost any draw for me in spite of their efforts to offer ”exciting new side events”.

Pokemon Unite was a catalyst for finally expressing these thoughts because the side mission stuff went from pretty easy incentives to try and learn map features or play other classes (it got me to find I also enjoy Lucario and such and not just Snorlax 24/7) but it was when the quantity of things to do was steadily increasing and the time frames were reducing that tipped me over. And the “rebalancing” of Battle Pass progression also made me rethink and decide to finish out the current one that’s almost done before I hang it up while still on a mostly good note.

I’m still having fun with Pokémon Unite matches. It’s just that the career player progression side that I’m slowing down on. And it’s when I see them adding those things that they use to try to keep things fresh and retain interest that it has the opposite effect on me.

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And I just realized Phantom Abyss kind of could get reskinned as a Squid Game "first person platforming challenge with unforgiving consequences for failure". Plus you do at least get an opportunity to see the demise of other players in that format.

Again to me, the consequence of elimination as an active participant is simply a game-over screen. Consequence of elimination when viewing Squid Game is to see the lasting image of said elimination as well as the emotional toll of having made a human connection that has now been violently severed.

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A big thing to me why "add ultra violence to Fall Guys to make Squid Game" doesn't really capture the same thing is because the players aren't really dishing out the ultra violence. It's either all the staff enforcing the eliminations (game 1, 2, & 4) or the nature of the game leading to deadly falls (game 3 & 5). Game 6 is a bit different for it's own specific reasons.

It's one thing to watch the enforcement of player eliminations as a passive observer but it doesn't translate the to gameplay as a player that could be facing elimination.

And heck, one of the final rounds in Fall Guys isn't too far off of game 5, all be it in Fall Guys the platforms are always failing and it's about getting off them before they fall as long as they can.

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Yeah, I'm old and remember the semi-transparent controllers. It has me somewhat interested. (I'm also someone who preferred the grey controller switch over the colorful model)

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#6  Edited By WulfBane

The Fallout franchise does include Nuka-Cola throughout. Fallout 4 even had a DLC pack that allowed you to venture to Nuka-World, an amusement park themed around the carbonated beverage.

However, there is one aspect of consuming Nuka-Cola that may jeopardize its status as an amateur soda drinking activity. Namely you do earn compensation in the form of a fungible token. The Bottle Cap removed is the primary form of currency in the wasteland of the 23rd century. Now it is a relatively small return, similar to finding a dollar bill popping out when you open a can (but this time you can still drink the contents) and it is unlikely that you can declare Nuka-Cola quaffing as your primary occupation, so perhaps it isn’t enough to elevate one to a professional status.

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I know I've done "keep a backup save slot" thing but then screwed up and wrote over it as a kid. Also in the original NES Final Fantasy 1, I don't know what gave us the thought but we thought the # below the new game/continue was somehow a save slot selection (it effected combat message speed) so my sister and I would basically realize we couldn't have our own saves.

But the recent I remember is a "sorta" case where I was losing progress in spring from games crashing that in hindsight were due to the hard drive in my One X failing to the point that I eventually couldn't go to the main menu. My progress itself was preserved for a few reasons because I still had my day one Xbox One and then later found that formatting and installing a new hard drive wasn't too difficult (I have a USB to internal HDD hookup thing) and was able to restore my One X.

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As someone who was always solo back when I played, when you mentioned one of the spoiler portions, I was worried. Mind you, once I understood what you should do for wild Kraken attacks solo, namely raise your sails and put yourself into a slow rotation, I wasn't too bad with them when they'd pop up. But you reaffirming the solo-ability of it and me having grown up in So Cal and a Disneyland fan is certainly making me tempted to return.

And yeah, timeframe I was playing was a few months before and about a month or so after they added the ghost ship fleet events. So yeah, 100% inspired by the Sea Beasts stuff. I was actually enjoying the Tall Tales and went so far as to doing ALL of the things for the original set (the one that ends in the hidden mist island) 5 times over and at the time there were just two additional Tall Tales in the "volcano zone" (I forget what it's called), thankfully you just had to do them 3 times and they were much shorter and have the burning eyes curse to prove it.

But yeah, I do like more directed content and the puzzles and stuff. I am at a bit of a lull on Game Pass titles. It sounds fun, especially because of the Disneyland stuff you mentioned.

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I saw photoshop related to high lumber prices where they were leaping onto a lumber truck and just made me think "remember when it was a movie about street racers trying to steal VHS combo TVs and other consumer electronics?"

And yes, I welcome and embrace the turn they took around F5. I enjoy the ridiculousness of them effectively being car-spies (where "spies" is defined by James Bond action movie extreme gadgets).

I STILL want there to be a scene where Mr. Nobody loses an eye and also at some point talks about seeing come crazy shit when he used to be a trucker. Complete the damn Jack Burton --> Snake Plisken transition we all wanted!

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#10  Edited By WulfBane

@glots: Watching that, I can't help but think "what if he really isn't that bad and just unfortunate to have inspected things when Agent 47 had a contract in the area?" Also expecting plenty of opportunities to set him up for spectacular accident kills. Nothing better than sweat irony.