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  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post Summer Game Fest Day Zero VLOG.

    Loved it.Also, Lucy isn't tagged in this.

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message in the forum topic The New Crew. on the General Discussion board

    At least they understand that we want familiar faces more so than a bunch of new ones. I like Lucy and Tam quite a bit. They know games and have the chops to do "professional stuff" on cam. Grubb is ...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post The Very Online Show 20: The Internet Never Forgets?.

    Having made a few websites in the 90s and early 2000s I can vouch for stuff not remaining on the internet.. Geocities ain't as hot as it used to be.. Not that I miss those sites, they were not great,...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message in the forum topic Halo TV series impressions.. on the Halo board

    @spacemanspiff00: I absolutely loved Rodney from the first second. One of the best nerd-characters ever imo. I actually prefer Atlantis over SG1 in many ways. Both casts are damn near perfect, but she...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message in the forum topic Halo TV series impressions.. on the Halo board

    I'm gonna wait until this show is a few episodes deep before I get into it. Not a huge Halo fan, but when the writers talked about being really proud of not having played any of the games, I was pret...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post Round 4 - 03/09/22.

    Saving this treat for saturday night. This is one of my fav GB things at the moment.

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post The Very Online Show 18: How To Log Off Completely.

    Pro tip: Throw your phone in the trash and never buy a new one. Only really works if you're a nolife loser, but if you are, god damn it's nice to not have a phone. Only social networking I use at all...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post Gran Turismo 7.

    I really can't stand the colours in this game. It's so muted and pastel looking. It's like every colour they chose started off as a blue and just got twisted into a different colour against their wil...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message in the forum topic How should the Battlefield and Call of Duty franchise to get improvements by 2022 and beyond?. on the General Discussion board

    Bad Company VR. I know it's cool to hate on VR and stuff, but I'd just love to see Bad Company 2 (or even 3) either made for VR or with deep VR integration. Doesn't even need to be Bad Company, I'd t...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message in the forum topic Push diversity in games and media, is it something to look back on fondly? Example: This is when we did the right thing.. on the General Discussion board

    Inclusiveness is good, and as a bonus effect of just being inclusive we get to anger all the people who see inclusiveness as a negative. The more in your face inclusive something is, the more I like ...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post 721: Doctor Hockey.

    @uncleeddie: You might think so, but sadly Activision hasn't owned MechWarrior for decades. FASA still owns it (to my knowledge) and licenses the rights to whomever wants to make a MechWarrior game. ...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post 721: Doctor Hockey.

    The move, if they make it, to make CoD an xbox and PC exclusive is going to be the beginning of the end for CoD as one of the golden standards. I'm pretty sure Dice is extatic about this, cause they'...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post 720: For Answer.

    JNCO pants are on their way back in a big way. My prediction is that 2022 is going to be a huge year for JNCOs and rollerblades. I thought the 90s resurgence had come and gone, but it's only getting ...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post Reel Layers Ep. 102 - The Apology: I messed up.

    @eccentrix said:@thisisdell said:@permanentsigh: I didn't get it because I couldn't stomach how actually bad that first episode was. But I watched it and the joke didn't pay off at all, because the a...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post 717: Scams and Flams.

    I had some fucked up intermittent internet for a good long while. After about a year of "everything seems fine here" the next guys who showed up yanked the cable going to my house, not hard or anythin...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post Tamoor Hussain is Possessed by Nostalgia - Guilty Treasures #04.

    My dad also used to buy me games just out of the blue sometimes, and he had a real knack for just picking awesome games I'd never heard of. He bought me Solar Jetman once, and it's one of my all time...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post Giant Bombathon 2021 [Part 2].

    This was pretty awesome.

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post UPF 12/10/21.

    I have faith that you can eat 20 nuggets in 4 minutes 30 seconds. Reach for the stars Jan!

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post 711: OH EGG.

    As a vegan I have to chime in on the eggplant debate: Eggplant is the saddest most pathetic "vegetable" ever. An eggplant is just water and really shitty pulp that turns into a sort of slimish floppy ...

  • VGAPortAuth posted a message on the post Reel Layers Ep. 101 - Twister’s Hidden Protest.

    Just want to say that Twister is an awesome film. I have no comment on this content otherwise. People seem real torn on anti-humor in here though. I like the people whose time is so precious they cou...