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@cikame: I like Samurai gun. But I don't enjoy smash as much. I dont like when people compare them. One just cause smash always beats some lone game on the dreamcast. I was shocked when Giantbomb enjoyed powerstone more than smash lol. On paper smash is more complex and i guess better...just for me not as fun but i havent played long in smash so im bias. I also agree the games (anime) arent fair to compare but i had no big comparision. Alot of dreamcast good games got shafted when it failed...genres destroyed. Sure clones came out. I think a shrek one did powerstone...but i played it and...

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@bigsocrates: I agree. Going on your point, i guess the issue is the anime games and their need to follow story. I played the Jujutsu kaisen game and most online hate it. It doesn't feel good. But outside fighter logic it makes sense for the story. It mimicks what the show is like, a lot of fist to kuffs, then a power, specials when your meter is up etc. frantic and flashy. This is why i think the studios have talented workers just bad production time and a bit of what you explained. There is also the issue that you said or alluded...the people just don't get the push to put out quality when people will take blahhh. I researched before I asked this question and one game that i tried and didnt enjoy was free to play naruto something...It's their most successful game and just feels exactly what most are describing. It gets the job done, but I don't know.

Powerstone 2 just a year...wait.

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@judaspete: I think your explanation is why i like it so much. It's such a tight system...refined to work, everything just works so well i think many critics of the game don't get it. How long does it take to tell someone how to play smash bros...a bit, but you keep beating them cause you didnt someone how to play power stone 2...a few presses...the rest is up to you to use the environment and make up what you think will work. It's not too complex like some 2024 version sequel might try be. It's okay i can stick on walls for a bit. I can double jump. I can grab anything item, oh items are i'll dodge that super by hoping on the wall jump to a pole, grab it like i grab anything in the game, now my jump is back, jump off, hit a wall, jump okay dodge the entire attack and i'm across the map.

No overly splashy hard to read stuff till necessary. It's not bad to be simple.

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@bigsocrates: I expected this answer and see the point and mostly agree. My issue is: That worked in the old days. Today, a lot of the difficulty of making a game just feel good, look good, etc. is documented. Tons of passionate and smart people are making games and working that are young in the industry, just like the old days. They are working on said games that suck. But they're given bad production deadlines. I think you're on the mark that time and pushing it out to, let's face it, the crowd that only or mostly plays these for the fan factor. Power stone had likely less time and budget or at least advertising at the point, and had to be made for a new system etc...they turned it out and got good scores. To be fair, back then we scored a bit more related to the time. Power stone today would score lower.

Anyway, when it comes down to it, I fear you're right. I think the fact, as Jeff G said, Dragon Ball fighters can be made and be good, but people still think just give them garbage, and they will like it. It's weird to me. It's like, how they decide batman with a nemesis system for infinite bad guys with personality is a bad idea...but give us Gotham knights.

Maybe I'm just missing the fact that, hey money....your answer is money. People won't make a good game, because the worst game makes money for cheap...even if a good one with time would make more.

Anyway, glad so many like or at least will humor me for my hope that the leak was true and PS2 is coming 2025 and the game is good.

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@mellotronrules: great points. I guess everyone's just nervous, as gaming always seems to be teetering on some big changes. We let horse armor get the laugh and now look sorta fears. Gaming is also not taken very seriously (well, it used to) by governments until they notice it makes tons of money and has a lot of influence over people and how they spend disposable income.

Microsoft IMO, was forward-thinking with that always online stuff, and even back then i thought yeah ok makes sense, but to be fair i overlooked the limits in internet connection for many at the time...but in concept i liked that you could get updates, redownload your games, saves in cloud, streaming potential, yadda yadda. But I'm a crazy that streams game pass, so i admit...bias. But my point is M. Xbox seems to be a forward thinking company in a way the more conservative but creative nintendo isn't, and a way the sony is well more follow if it works wait and see approach. So when they make a drastic change like game pass or spending all that money to get call of duty then giving it away sorta for free...I trust they know something doomsayers don't. Not a fanboy i think all the companies mix and match strategies just generalizing.

On a doom post note: I'm seeing a streaming game service where they control the games, and you have a pick of the week experience seems destined, with the way the boxes feel less and less impactful each new generation and general audiences may get less into the idea. (Could be wrong, the opposite still works for phones). Getting different tiers like netflix and ads and so on where everyone has access to all the AAA games and each game has tons of microtransactions to make up for it, plus forever games where you just update from overwatch 1 to 2, 3 etc. Seems like what they want, cut the servers when it's unwieldy or failing, jump to the next big thing. % wise im seeing less and fewer people even get past the trophy in ps5 games that equates to 2 hours of gameplay so i think they're hoping to just get games out faster update the later levels later if it's popular sorta fast and now. Even game pass games are more used as demos as most dont get past what would be an extended demo...forget about the game, and when it's off the service they remember it and buy it.

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I'll preface this is my bias, obviously some or many don't enjoy or never played Power Stone. I can't wait for Capcom to release an online remaster.

But it hit me, why don't I just play an alternative in the meantime?

Every game has an alternative, well almost every game. (I don't think there are many seaman or death-stranding clones). If this was a Souls series, I could get my fix, while diluted, with off-brands until the next Elden ring DLC or whatever.

But Power Stone to me, feels like a one-of-a-kind series. Fan clones never worked for me. Even at best, it felt like playing bomb rush cyber funk for a jet-set radio future fix. It's just not quite there, though I can feel the love and passion.

So as I said, the notion of just playing an alternative, why not one of those anime fighters? But again, most of them are either bad (jump force, one punch man, jujutsu kaisen etc.) or good but not arena-based (dbz fighters), and fine if you are into the show but again not right (those naruto games). I don't know many other good arena fighters (wrestling I suppose???)

So what am I missing mindset wise...

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#7  Edited By Topcyclist

"...Calling this game Black Ops 6 is incredibly funny and absolute cowardice..."

Really? I thought the last thing people were hung up on is the constant need to make Call of Duty names complicated and being confused which comes after which. Now we want them to add on something? Seems simple is best for our current market. People are super knee-jerk to not get something today or get confused with so much to offer to their attention. It's why sequels and prequels are pushed today a lot more in film, the risk is too high to confuse your audience with superfluous info. Silly or not.

Furthermore, I don't get the takes people have online about game pass. Since its start, there was doomsayers stating how it's a bad value at launch and will never last and will harm the industry and devs. Then devs explain that it's actually super helpful in the competitive landscape, and it helps them try creative risky ideas that aren't just "for everybody's appeal" because they get a lump sum guaranteed. And for the price of the single game you can get a walmart 1 year membership, switch it to game pass, and be done. Play the game and more. If you like it, get it reduced price in a year. Buy then you're likely over it. If not, there are 400 games on game pass including ea. For the value of 4 movie theater tickets which gives you 8 hours of content you can get at the lowest assuming each game is 10 min of your enjoyment before you quit, well you get the point. Few downsides unless you just like owning your games or dislike having so many to choose from that you didn't personally buy individually out of interest.

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@markminik: In a topic about inherent misogyny and sexism and overall toxicity of gaming communities:

@topcyclist:Your massive walls of inane written vomit always give me a headache. from Markminik

Here I deleted my post for you, just glad people like you exist. Block me, you know you can block people you hate so much. Not sure why you feel the need to give yourself head aches, but it's a free country.