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3.3 stars

Average score of 3 user reviews

...But damn it if they didn't try. 1

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 is an unusual and misshapen fever-dream. As the title screen will proudly inform you, it is the fourth Sonic the Hedgehog game, placing it chronologically after the supposed pinnacle of the series, Sonic 3. What the big-ass "FOUR" in the title doesn't tell you is that rather than a genuine sequel, Sonic 4 feels like an HD Remix of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and 3's essential concepts.  There are transparent bats with light bulbs on their tail-ends. There are crabs that ...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

What a difference 45 minutes makes. 0

My experience with Chime goes as follows:  1. Load Steam. 2. See Chime on the front page. It's $4.99 US. I am intrigued. 3. This looks like if Tetris and Lumines had a bastard child! Purchase. 4. 60% of sales go to charity! D'awwww. 5. Load game, Intriguing music plays. I really enjoy the pinging noise that the menu makes. 6. Start the first level.  O.K. Here is where the actual reviewer-ing happens.  Immediately what impresses me is the music. Catchy and melodious, it's perfect for what I perce...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Furiously awesome. (Yep, you heard me). 2

So here's the short of it: This expansion pack essentially Wipeout HD 2. In fact if it were a standalone product, it would actually be a more feature-rich game than HD was, so for almost half the price it's worth a purchase based on economics alone. But what really sells this package is not just that it's more Wipeout HD, but that it's better than the original game in every respect; The tracks are better designed (and  look amazing); the new ships handle better (and look way  cooler); the new mu...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.