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Games of the forever.

My obligatory (I made myself) list of games that have shaped my gaming tastes. I can always come back to these, to refresh my palette.

List items

  • If I lose my internet connection and still want to feel apart of something big, this is the one. The great thing about my gamecube is it randomly corrupts my memory card. Why is this good? It's a joy to start this game again.

  • The grandaddy of shooters for me. Such a complete package. Ever timeless, every new game a challenge. I help run a local LAN party and it was probably the game that was steadfast for many years in that community.

  • Sure there are shooters before it, but Quake 2 stayed with my gaming habits far longer than any game had, previously. Plus, it was the first game I got bots running on. I lived in a country town and was without an internet connection (went to the library for internets) and so bots were a blessing. A great single player campaign, amazing foes, the weaponry so balanced and MP so tight I still play today.

  • A recent one, but when a game clocks hundreds of hours on your fingers, it counts. Melding my two loves, music and video games and providing lots of opportunity to have friends who aren't normally gamers join in. Plus, the greatest example of DLC done well.

  • Why? Because it took me by surprise. Sure, I had played Goldeneye previously on N64, but if anyone told me when I picked up this game, that I would play over 2000 games online, I would call you crazy. And here I am, anticipating Reach.

  • The game I had to secretly play back in the day, because I was in my teens and my parents didn't want me playing such things. I don't blame them, but this is still one of my most fondest games.