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  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post Giant News.


  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post 733: They Old.

    @jeff my dude are you telling me you get logged out of google docs or whatever like literally every 20 minutes? I can go all day without Okta forcing me to re-authenticate.

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post 732: Semi-Husband.

    @apocolypsedown: weird take dog... weird take.

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post GrubbSnax 27: The End of 2021.

    @benmo316: Since it said uploaded by Jason, uploading them isn't even his job. Which means video has to be sent across the country, and probably edited by someone before it goes up.Don't be a dick in ...

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post 711: OH EGG.

    'This isn't a food crime, this is progress'. That might be the most giant bomb quote ive ever heard in my decade of being on this site.

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post 709: Cold5.

    Wondering if the crew realizes that Destiny 2 dungeons _are not_ the raids. He said as much, but dungeons are long form 3 person content. Think halfway through 'strikes' and raids.The raid comes wit...

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post 698: Up In My Frunk.

    I feel like I need to translate Jeff G's horndog dirtbag speech every episode for the gentle souls who don't know what sloppy top is.I also truly am here for how fucking dirtbag jeff is. Live your bes...

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post 697: Ass Rock Dongles.

    @dannyodwyer @jeffQuick clarification for those terms in normal software engineering.Long Term Support: A locked feature set, and no big changes with a guarantee that bug fixes will come for the 'ter...

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post 692: Flesh Investment.

    Funny enough @jeff, the 2-3 beers thing is called 'The Ballmer Peak' in programming.Obviously, theres an XKCD about it.

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post Episode 306.

    Please, Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, never ever allow @vinny to operate a wrecking ball.

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods.

    WTF Alex. Dune is one of the best SciFi books ever written. I've read it like 5 times through. Gonna have to do another.

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 399.

    This season of destiny is one of the best. The story w/ the Cabal has the exposition that brad probably wants, and the 3 player activity (battlegrounds) is just... mayhem.I'm lovin it.â„¢

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post 675: All Day I Dream About Koffee.

    @brad Funny enough, in my 37 years of life i have only seen that bean no bean chili thing on shacknews.And for the ultimate internet fuckery, i use beans in Bean's chili recipe to this day.

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 397.

    I spy, with my little eye... _Voicemeeter BANANA_

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post Episode 297.

    Yes, that them crooked vultures album was good. But here is the best thing to come out of that collabo POOOOOOTS

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post 204 - That’s Good Stuff.

    gang gang

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post Geoguessr.

    'Where is the statue of liberty?''Staten Island!'My New Yorker Heart exploded that day.

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 392.

    'It sounds like an interesting problem to me!' I work at Red Ventures (in the main Charlotte campus) and basically the last year of my life has been doing this kinda stuff (migrating a ton of old hand...

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post 667: Sega to Make New Genesis!.

    I love filth.

  • squigiliwams posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 390.

    If you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes @brad @vinny: THIS is the definitive 'wtf is going on in destiny' guide. it starts 800 billion years ago ...