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Average score of 8 user reviews

Downward Spiral. 0

I couldn't ever tell you that Vergil's Downfall is a terrible piece of content - it's certainly not. What I can tell you is that is did not enrapture me as much as the main storyline. Vergil's strengths in combat are completely different from Dante's, and I'm glad this is the case. You can easily tell they are brothers by the way the characters control, however, in an obviously biased belief, I had more fun as Dante. This can easily be the opposite for anyone else, which is one of the reasons wh...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Speak of the Devil. 0

Very rarely can a reboot truly capitalize on the strengths of its origins with the modern conceptions of solid game design. DmC is one of those games. Whether we're discussing the brilliant fighting mechanics, the consistent barrage of welcomed multi-purpose weapons, the snarky yet humble attitude of our new Dante, or the hilariously interesting narrative, this experience is one that I certainly will not forget by the end of the year (and for years to come). The premise is ridiculous, the action...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Hidden Depths. 0

Many critics have warranted this game a play, but are really hesistant to recommend another (or even a third for that matter). Having been the first game I played in 2013, I have to say that I respectfully disagree with this sentiment. I can certainly see where the game would have benefitted from a run button and maybe even a skip feature, but I delve so deep into the game that any section I had seen before was not exactly an issue. Telling a tale of 7 deadly sins really brought an interesting p...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Mass Respect. 0

Oh, Mass Effect, I just want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the ridicule and adjustment you've had to go through over the last year. I wish it weren't the case. Maybe I was given ample time to prepare myself for an underwhelming ending, or maybe it just wasn't that bad. I DON'T KNOW. What I can say is that I truly took no issue in it. Would I have wanted the game to end with a bit more clarity? Maybe. But this doesn't detract from the wonderful time we spent together. I think a lot of the j...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Mass Reflect. 0

Some can say the ending of the Mass Effect series was met with some anger. While I personally respected how Bioware chose to end the game, I actually had a fairly stern stance on how I was going to approach the DLC - I wasn't. I had no intention of playing the Shepard storyline again, I was respectfully done with it. But then I remembered how much I loved the universe. There are no other games in this generation, or in recent memory, that have entranced me as much as this place. This DLC was the...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Sugar and Slice and Everything Diced. 0

The more I play video games and reflect upon them, the more I realize I have two passions: games that tell a beautiful tale of deep emotion and games that are, for lack of a better phrase, BATSH*T INSANE. I'd hope you can tell which category Metal Gear Rising may just fit in. Let me tell you about the best part of this game: ZANDATSU. The amount of power this game quirk provides the player is astounding. Maybe you can't cut everything, but you can certainly cut enough to your heart's content. Di...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

It's Bow Time. 0

Reminiscing about this game is honestly a challenge. I cannot say that there was any one moment from the campaign that stuck out to me. The entire game was just one solid piece of content from start to finish, and I mean this in the best way possible. Forgetting about the cognitive dissonance to Lara's mindset and her actions, this was easily one of the most polished experiences I've had in a while. Whether this was due to the incredibly smooth bow mechanics or the finely tuned upgrading system,...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Generational Gap. 0

Surprisingly charming and just straight-up fun to play, Sonic Generations was certainly a good palate cleanser in a world full of guns and gore. I can't say the game is perfect - Sonic games usually fall very short when trying to rekindle what makes them feel so special - BUT I can say that this is easily one of the best attempts to date. I've never had too much enjoyment out of Sonic games, mainly because my patience for the series usually dies after the Green Hill Zone, though, this was a simp...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.