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Zombiepie: "PurpleShyGuy is a fan of the Granblue Fantasy IP"

Me: "Wait, what?"

Guess I should have been clearer, I meant the fighting game Versus deserves better. As for the actual Granblue-verse, Versus was the first time I was exposed to it. The only thing I really know about Granblue is that Ladiva is the greatest and I wish I better at playing her :(

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@zombiepie: Whoops, didn't mean to bring up any bad memories. I know anime doesn't have the best public image, and unfortunately it sometimes earns its dubious reputation. I'll be the first to admit that Kill la Kill has problematic elements, and it certainly isn't the most complex show in the world, but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy watching it.

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Edited By PurpleShyGuy

@efesell: I agree that World Tendency was a system that had problems, but it was something that I honestly felt was interesting because it made going human a gamble. I really can't say the same for Resurrection, outside a few specific moments, I chose to revive almost every time. There just isn't enough cons to reviving or enough pros to staying dead.

FromSoft have a problem with putting ideas in without much thought, I believe this to be true from Demon's Souls to Sekiro. But I'd rather they put in buck wild ideas rather than ones that barely do anything.

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Edited By PurpleShyGuy

@brackstone: I get that Resurrection can be used as a sort of cool down to gather your thoughts before re-engaging the boss again, but I find for me that the best way to learn a boss is to stay in the fight. It's the threat of dying and being sent back to an Idol that makes me careful of making mistakes, not dying and having to wait a few seconds before I can play again. When I'm fighting something like the Demon of Hatred which kills you in about two to three hits, I'd rather take a health boost than the Resurrect. Though I do admit getting a Deathblow to gain access to your second and then third orb is actually a good incentive for the player to keep going. Also choosing to die if a boss fight is going bad is a valid option, but if you're learning a boss you might as well revive just so you can get in some practice, even if you're doomed to fail.

With the Demon's Souls comparison, let me clarify. I was saying that the Dragonrot and Resurrection systems could be used like World Tendency. I wasn't saying that Sekiro was worse than Demon's Souls because Demon's Souls has more options, I was saying that Demon's Souls has more impactful mechanics – for better and for worse. Demon's Souls has problems, have you ever tried to upgrade a weapon to max, it's like getting your teeth pulled out, but the team still tried a lot of crazy things with that game so I can't help but respect it. Sekiro is far more refined yes, and again I agree that the game is far more balanced because a player can't just grind their way past a boss, but a lot of its systems feel cut down to the point of redundancy. Things like halving your sen and exp upon death isn't really an issue because of how fast you can escape a fight, Resurrection even acts as a safety barrier. This also has a knock on effect with Unseen Aid, because you are not going to be hoarding exp and sen when you know you are going to be dying a lot.

When you cut everything to the core, you best make sure that the few features you do have are polished to perfection, and FromSoft's answer was to polish them to the point of almost non-existence.

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@cyrusraven: I'm a huge fan of FromSoft, and I think sometimes the biggest fan can also be the harshest critic. Like you, I really hope they learn from Sekiro and make something even better in the future. I haven't actually beat Sekiro yet as I'm trying to kill the Demon of Hatred and he's a pretty tough bastard, but I think I've done everything to get the Homecoming ending.

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