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#1  Edited By PeezMachine

Diablo 4 at launch was stuck between worlds, no doubt in part to the revolving door of designers involved. Parts of the game suggested a slower, more measured pace (a far cry from the frantic lootsplosion rift sprints that came define Diablo 3's final form), but other parts seemed tuned with an entirely different speed in mind. This is how you get the sluggish experience curve, but I think nothing demonstrates the problem quite like Nightmare Dungeons. They were clearly something you were meant to do a whole bunch of times back to back (essentially D3's rifts), but you had to manually ride your (much slower then) horse to it each time -- two gears that wanted to move at different speeds but got stuck. Friction is fine in a game, if we get something back in return, but the process of riding out to each dungeon was a great case of worthless friction -- if you were doing nightmare dungeons, there was nothing worth stopping for out in the overworld.

So they had to pick a lane -- build a game that maintains friction but makes it rewarding; or burn all friction to the ground. The latter is much easier to do in hurry, so I'm not surprised by the decision. It's resulted in a Diablo 3-style game that is less frustrating, more cohesive, and dare I say better than it was at launch, but I also find it completely uninteresting. I liked Reaper of Souls but I've already played it, and given that Diablo 4's narrative was about the folly of just doing the same thing over and over again, it's disappointing to see the game now following its predecessor down the path of absolutely zero resistance.

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Microsoft studio closures, or did we retire that jersey?

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If you have to say "surprise, this thing isn't dead" then double surprise: yes it is.

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Dear god I didn't think it would be possible to make Star Trek worse these days, but: Star Trek as made by Sony Pictures? Yeah that would do it.

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Now Sony just has to do for PSVR2 what they did with those warehouses full of unsold Move controllers: release a new peripheral that uses it somehow! Sony's in a tight spot here (expert analysis, I know): if they do the thing they should do and eighty-six PSVR2, they are instantly making it a "legacy system" and guaranteeing that they will never move those units at any price other than "free OBO". Say what you will about VC firms, they got one thing right: whatever money there is to made in VR, it turns out it's not in games, at least not until someone (sigh, Meta) gets the install base up an order of magnitude or two. Of course, this writing was, as you mentioned, on the wall well before the PSVR2 launched, but no doubt the train was well out of the station at that point.

The weirdest part of this though has to be that the two VR/AR-curious companies with the biggest presence in the enterprise tools market -- Microsoft and Alphabet -- have largely folded, and yet Meta is still playing at the enterprise VR table. Does Zuck know something we don't? I certainly hope not, cuz boy that metaverse stuff sure seems like shit!

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I don't think it will hang on this list, but as a fan of cautionary tales, I always get a good chuckle when something goes awry with Overwatch, and with the most recent "oops no PvE after all" announcement, I've lost track of how many times this particular feature has been cancelled or un-cancelled. I'm also going to reserve some space for something out of Epic -- I just feel something in my bones.

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#8  Edited By PeezMachine

Totally agree on the combat, both with regards to RGG clearly hearing the notes about how poorly the positioning/improvised weapons played out in the last outing and how it's too easy to step ahead of the leveling curve and trivialize what should be the big scary fights. Narratively, I love our motley crew (if not immediately, then at least after running around town and getting to know them), and I like how a lot of the "side stuff" is more about getting to know your team than it is about helping randos about town.

But man, when it comes to the A-Plot, I got some beefs. Spoilers, obviously.

Ichiban's half of the story is mostly dead weight. It spends way too long chasing after a human macguffin that even Ichiban is only tangentially interested in, and makes pretty much every writing mistake in the book in the name of having mysteries and twists. The stakes are unclear and impersonal; compare this to Yakuza 7, which excelled because it gave us an immediate reason to care (our father figure shot us!) and, while it went wide in the middle, started and ended by focusing on the motherfucking human condition. Ultimately, it's a story about a father doing literally everything in his power to save his son from his own worst impulses, and it hits extra hard because our protagonist has played some part in creating this monster. By comparison, Infinite Wealth is largely about things happening and also Ichiban is there, but it really could have been anybody. As much as I'm ready to see Kiryu make his exit (still have the last fight to go, so who knows!), his half of the story is at least much more cohesive.

And then there's the games sometimes baffling sense of logic. It can't seem to decide whether or not Kiryu's existence is common knowledge or not (after the vtuber exposes him), or if the Daidochi care about that (or his outings with Date-san) at all, or what's actually expected of him, and the consequences for him if he doesn't do it. At one point I wondered if the whole "Kiryu sucks at going incognito" thing was being played up for laughs. Then there's the bit where the gang is sailing away -- where to, exactly? Is the Japan Coast Guard really that close? And when they meet Date at the airstrip, is that Japan proper (I feel like we're missing a scene here where the gang makes it to the safety of the coast guard, then)? It must be, because Date gives the gang two hours to find Yamai, and they immediately make their way to Kamurocho. After which, Yamai walks away and he's never mentioned again. What about the pressing need to bring him back to Date? Remember how Date said that it would be bad news for Ichi's crew if Yamai gave them the slip? See how the game doesn't establish any clear consequences? See how Yamai is just chilling on Dodonko Island now and nobody cares?

I still have the final Millennium Tower sequence to go, so maybe a miracle will occur, but I doubt enough will happen there to make Ebina an interesting villain -- it certainly didn't help Bryce. Good villains make a good story -- I submit in to evidence Yazkua 0 -- but Infinite Wealth's villains aren't compelling enough to drive the story, so all that's left to worry about are their nefarious plots, which are vague and, more importantly, largely detached from both our protagonist and, that's right, the motherfucking human condition.

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I have an MSI Clutch GM30 and it's dead simple and I love it. Tower on left, tiny tray-mounted mousepad on the right, so the cord is always hanging over the edge, but that bad boy stay put because there's a little sheath on the cord right there, almost like someone at MSI got sick of cords dragging their mice away.

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@thatpinguino: That was the card that got me within inches of beating Ante 11. It was paired up with cheap rerolls that gave me +2 mult each, and free planet cards.