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My backlog

  1. I was supposed to do this during the summer but I ended up playing a bunch of games I already played, such as life. In order to motivate myself further I'll be posting the names of the games I need to finish. Some I can finish up in a couple of hours, some will never be finished, others won't even be started. Either way it's good for me to have a list I can stare at and feel ashamed about instead of hating myself in my own mind. I'll only be listing games I spent money on and have a tangible ending. No one will ever see this but that's A-okay.

Let's beginStardew Valley

  1. Soma
  2. South Park TSoT
  3. Xcom
  4. Pokemon platinum
  5. pokemon alpha sapphire
  6. pokemon emerald
  7. the dark spire
  8. ff 4
  9. DQ 4
  10. DQ5
  11. dragon age origins
  12. KOTOR II
  13. cook serve delicious
  14. papers please
  15. Skyrim: dragonborn
  16. Wasteland 2
  17. fire emblem awakening
  18. Ocarina of time
  19. SMT 4
  20. devil survivor
  21. bravely default
  22. REmake
  23. revengeance
  24. shovel knight
  25. fallout 1
  26. fallout 2
  27. fallout tactics
  28. dragon's dogma
  29. dark souls II
  30. nier
  31. max payne
  32. max payne 2
  33. max payne 3
  34. FarCry 2
  35. Blood Dragon
  36. metroid prime 2
  37. metroid prime 3
  38. DMC 1,2,3
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