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Shaun is a dick.

Why is the new character Shaun Hasting or whatever being so anal towards Desmond? As soon as they met he started that guy started to make stupid and sarcastic remarks. Also, it seems he's having some serious mood swings. One time I talked to him he was being nice, but most of the time he's just being a pessimistic know-it-all. Rebecca doesn't help much by having the most annoying fucking voice ever.
This is a great blog.


Demon's Souls is looking pretty awesome.

When I first heard about Demon's Souls I just dismissed it as another lame Fable 2-esque rpg (could they have picked a worse name?), but after seeing the gameplay in the Gamespot review:

This game starts looking pretty awesome. Which also makes me angry. 
Why? Because I have already bought like 4 games this month and even more awesome games are coming out in the near future (Uncharted 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Modern Warfare 2). Basically, I can't afford buying more games. At least for now.  
This has been nanikore's first terrible blog post, look forward to even more terrible blog posts in the near futue! 