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Thanks for being Great.

So, you maybe have or have not noticed I was on a bit of a forced vacation for the last 4 weeks. I'll forgo the details but its kind of given me a bit of time to reflect. First off if you're reading this its because for some reason you care enough about what I think to follow me on GB. Not going to try to fish for attention with this post by posting it to the main forums. So the people who care enough to read it can read it.

Anyways, back to the task at hand. Its become clear to me that my time interacting with the community here is sort of over for the most part. There are two reasons for this. First off I've come to the conclusion that me and the mods aren't going to see eye to eye on some issues and well. I think its better to just realize this forum isn't going to be as lenient on some things as I'd like it to be and move on. Secondly, and well this is actually going to probably be the bigger factor is I'm not sure where I'm going to be living soon. So I'm going to be going into 2016 pretty unsure of how things are going to pan out for me. That'll most likely happen sometime in January. So to say I'm stressed is well an understatement. And considering other shitty events that have happened this year I can succinctly say that 2015 while amazing for video games has been a personally pretty low year for me.

I've always been a big fan of the community here. And you all are great. So I just want to thank everyone. I've gotten a lot of positive comments over the years from various members of the community for some of the blogs ect.. that I've posted. I will be doing one more giant write up for AGDQ 2016 which I will post soon. I've always tried to get word out about those events and I should still be able to be around for this AGDQ.

I'm also as long as I'm able going to still consume Giantbomb content. And assuming I'm in a financial position that I can afford it I'll most likely re-up later next year when my sub expires. I recently re-watched Mario Party Party 5 again and I'll say its been the first thing this entire week that's cheered me up a bit. Well that and a specific Dan related e-mail on this weeks bombcast.... no spoilers.

I'll close this by saying if you for whatever reason want to keep up with my antics. I do frequent twitter at @Gnt_Josh so you can follow me there if you'd like. I'm also on the Giantbomb discord server which people should really join.

Hope everyone has a good Holiday. I'll see you guys soon for AGDQ.