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If you've got the money I highly recommend subscribing to 404 Media. Some folks from Motherboard split off to make it. It's worker owned and has been putting out incredible work. Also sign up for Remap they're great.

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Overall it doesn't matter since it's just the name of a stream title. But the change to GB Plays is only weird to me since it is functionally identical to Quick Look. Like they've done Quick Looks Lives before with chat and there are some Quick Looks (though not the majority) that the people didn't play the game beforehand. I was curious about the length thing too since Quick Look was always a misnomer and there are a ton of QLs that go past the 60 minute mark similar to how the GB Plays do too.

Plus I thought when they started GB Plays one of the points was the staff was playing the game for the first time, but Jeff had played a small bit of Avatar ahead of that GB Plays. So it just seems to be a show title change just for the sake of it.

And they've been fine with bringing back TNT, which is cool! So I don't know if anyone's worried about using show names that the previous staff used.

The more pet-peeve thing that gets me is it just makes the site more messy. If you go to the Shows page right now, GB Plays isn't even on there. But I doubt that page is ever going to get cleaned up.

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Activision ID: protocol247#9706278

Thanks duder!