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Hot dogs! Too many times whoever is cooking used bad, previously frozen and unseasoned patties that they cooked the living hell out of, so hot dog is just a safer bet.

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@renegade1973: Do you think it’s a lack of older streamers, or a dearth of content in the vein of Giantbomb?

Dunno if this is how GB hit you, but it was always like “dudes on a couch” that I could relate to growing up, with the kind of people I grew up with, and that’s really hard for me to find, which doesn’t fit the single person in front of a camera model.

Tangentially related, but I’ve especially been seeing this with the board game streamer/podcast community (Vinny, if you magically read this, I will fight a bear for board game content from you in the future), there are not a lot of people who are a happy medium nestled somewhere between Joe Manganiello and Tom Vassal.

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Flat out love my 55” CX, really stunning picture. Watched a 4K video of a guy in the French alps bombing down a ski run almost colliding into every child he possibly could, and you could see in absolute perfect crisp detail, how much of an asshat he was.

Consider one of the TVs with HDMI 2.1 if you can, a little extra future proofing if you are getting a TV RIGHT NOW.

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If it’s just some sweat stains that are bleeding into the bill, hand wash gently. A little soap and scrub on a damp cloth should get it out over time and not ruin the bill if it’s cardboard. Tip for anyone, never ever ever hear dry any hat, just let it dry naturally, and no dry cleaner is ever equipped it handle hate, especially wool caps (decade in hat sales).

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Just as a cheerleader for anyone on the get healthy train, any progress is amazing, and backslides are never the absolute end. I get really excited for people taking on their own health in just about any way.

I turned into a semi-gym rat/not bro all need, in the past few years, after a long time of having a lot of hard weight swings. The routine of the gym getting me out of the house by 5:30 AM was life changing and kept me moving, which is important for someone like me who can get stuck inside all day on the couch. So lockdowns (in the States) really threw me for a loop. I modified my routine for home with very hard to find free weights and kettle bells, got a stationary bike, and biked to work when it was warmer. It’s hard some days, really really really hard, the gym was a release valve for me, but I’ve made it work at home as best I can. Plus my workouts are now accompanied by a six month old pug who likes to sit on my chest/lick my face while I press kettlebells, so that’s cool.

I can’t stress this enough for anyone, find the things you like when it comes to health. Find the healthy foods you like (I got into craving no sugar added peanut butter and banana on rice cakes with honey) Find what makes your workouts fun (reading distracted me and made it something special [complete side note, Mad Max Fury Road upped my bike calorie burn by 30]). Whatever it takes, you have to enjoy SOME aspect of it, or it will feel like a waste of life. Please please please enjoy it in some way shape or form. AND eat enough of the good foods (a some of the bad because the bad is amazing).

Good lord, and don’t beat the hell out of yourself for anything health related, if you guilt yourself you’ll just associate health with guilt. That’s not fair to you.

Best to all the duders here.

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Man, I was really excited to have a game set in Portland. Anyone from here get to play this and know how far the metro boundaries went?

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#7  Edited By MisterDarcy

@twolines: Was just going to jump in with Watergate, absolutely love it. Holy crap, what a game.

And doubling down on other suggestions: 7 Wonders Duel, and Patchwork. These three are all 2 player specific. These are great, not too pricey, and if they aren’t big board gamers, a nice start.

I really dig Clank! In Space though too. At 2-Players the tension is knocked down just a bit, since you don’t have to worry as much about someone going after the same treasures etc.

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Soul is top tier Pixar. I’m really curious how kids will take it, but as someone rocketing towards middle age, it was a great, and the positive existential crisis I had afterwards was a bonus. It’s their most thoughtful movie, I’d say. I liked Coco and Ratatouille more, but that’s personal taste. Soul is going to mean a LOT to a bunch of people.

Gotta say, taking the fantastical elements out of Inside Out, and Into the Spider-verse doesn’t make sense, it’s one of the pillars that make those movies so amazing in the first place.

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There are some wild recs on here for 65+ non-gamers (trust me, alien fighting likely won’t be for this boomer set). But the Carcassonne/Ticket to Ride crews are right on the money. Carcassonne can feel like working on a puzzle together, easily relatable experience. Ticket to Ride is rummy the board game. Both give you a chance to chill and talk.

Honestly, I’d even consider shying away from Forbidden Island/Desert for now. They are great, very easy, just not what I’d put as a holiday older family game.

If you get a group, 4+ people, try Just One.