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My Top Ten Games of 2021

2021 was (once again) an interesting year for me. It's a year that saw me go through a difficult job transition while also expanding my social circle of friendos. In doing so, I played a lot more Multiplayer-focused games this year and kinda neglected my backlog more than I would've liked to.

It was also the year where I joined a regular DnD group, which has been... a mostly fulfilling but sometimes frustrating creative experience.

Honorable Mentions:

Cyberpunk 2077 - Didn't come out this year, but with the many updates and fixes since it's rough 2020 launch - I think it's turned itself around pretty well imo. Need to finish it one of these days.

Prey For The Gods - A game I kickstarted wayyyy back in 2016 finally came out in 1.0 this year and it's pretty neat. Fun mix of Breath of the Wild meets Shadow of Colossus.

The Last Spell - Very neat game which I need to play a lot more of.

Orcs Must Die 3 - It's another Orcs Must Die game, solid co-op.

Return of the Obra Dinn - Very cool investigative game that I beat this year.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits - Cool game with a wonderful presentation that I didn't play enough of this year. A mix of OVERLORD and PIKMIN???

List items

  • Amazing package of a game with one of the best stories these games have ever done. Rivet is a wonderful addition to the franchise and the game looks so "next-gen"! Big fun and well worth the wait. Welcome back, boyos.

  • First MH game I've really loved! Very arcade feeling (aka get to the fun parts!), the wirebug stuff is a gamechanger and CHARGE BLADE IS BRRRRRRR

  • Feels weird to put this on my list as these games are already some of my faves of all time, but this was a really great remaster and an amazing "excuse" to go back through one of gaming's greatest trilogies.

  • What if we did RE7 again, but amped up some RE4 into it? Loved it. It has big Evil Within 2 vibes to it and I'm all about it.

  • I was impressed with how much I loved this game, because I'm not the biggest survival/crafting guy.

  • Absolutely amazing 1st half... this game is low on my list because I never finished it and I need to asap! ;-;

  • The writing is kinda goofy/underwhelming sometimes, but it's a lotta fun to build out characters/stories and roll with it. Very DnD-like in a lotta ways.

  • Surpisingly awesome Escape Room simulator with lotsa community support.

  • Fun Co-Op game with a lotta variety.... it's not GOTY material or anything, it's got some messed elements to it's story and characters, but still! Fun!

  • The Switch version - lots of Co-Op fun with MY WIFEEEEE