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Abby is the perfect foil to Dan's blissful ig... er, learning. She's quick witted, paid attention in film school, and adds Ellen Degeneres to armies, as everyone should. GB wouldn't be half as good without her!

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Possibly, although the metal flower guy does say they came up at the same time the machines started changing, which could be a passing salvo from her. Not sure we can know, but fun to speculate. And they do all seem to be directly from the archives of human poetry, though GAIA could have selected them.

I really appreciate that attention to detail and consistency. Glad to hear you share that!

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If you, like me, just spent the last three months slowly progressing through every iota of Horizon story and world, enjoying the narrative and the space immensely, or if you just want to know a cool thing, here you go:

Every metal flower picked up can be clicked on in the menu to reveal a poem selected presumably by GAIA to bring some natural wonder to the world, at least in computer code. They appear to all be classics, with harder flowers including long-form Thoreau and Whitman.

This game has love in every moment, quest, and inch, and these poems, never hinted at and easily missable, are a great indication of why I love it.

Anyone else discover these or, if you are just hearing about it, what do you think?

Also, the vantages have full letters written out if clicked on, about twenty pages of text that tell a tragic story of an Indian-American family and are, again, completely missable. The Banuk figures all have stories too. This game, man.

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@lawgamer said:

. . . Wait. People live in Montana? I thought it was just cattle.

Also, for something Montanans don't care about, your state government has a lot to say on the subject of huckleberrys.

With lines like this, "Purple-tongued pickers hoping to cache a few gallons of huckleberries in the deep-freeze care less about taxonomy and more about finding productive patches," how can one doubt the pure unadulterated passion for huckleberries?

I haven't posted in months, and this thread brought me back. Thank you slightly deranged Montanan (Montanian?) person and aptly amused responders.

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@austin_walker, you added an important voice for labor rights, diversity, and other vital topics to the Giantbomb team, along with an incredible knack for storytelling and analysis. I'll miss your voice immensely, but the VICE job sounds like a dream come true. Build something that matters and enjoy!

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@kasaioni said:

@kierkegaard: Quiet only marks the people that the player would see if the player was at the points that she travels to when she scouts a base. Therefore, she doesn't mark people indoors or who are behind objects in her line of sight. D-dog marks everyone and the guards don't care about him. And once the player gets a silenced tranq sniper, then who needs Ms. Sex Object? She's good for taking out skulls in mission 29 and so on, but that's very situational.

Also her ending monologue had the worst dialogue in the entire game. And that forced relationship between her and Venom was bad. "I only wanted to share my feelings with you, if only we shared a common tongue." Criiiinge.

Totally fair point of view there. I think it just felt good to not be alone against the world. Sex Object existence and shitty ending certainly make her fail in storytelling.

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@kasaioni said:

You can fast-travel. Get in a box on those orange platforms you see around the open world. However you will need to collect two invoices from two different fast travel points first to be able to fast travel between them.

Also D-Dog > Quiet.

Yeah, see, I know. Sorry, could have written that more clearly. In The Witcher III, you can only fast travel at posts. It's a bit of a chore, but that game is about existing in a living world. Metal Gear V is about completing missions in a playground. It does not aim for realism.

Given that, the cardboard box ports are a bit funny and a bit clever, but mostly the actual act of looking at that map, seeing the fun side missions that are left, and deciding whether to drive somewhat confusing roads, face two loads in a helicopter, or hope you already found the local fast travel point is a pointless chore.

It's not honestly that huge of a deal, but thought I'd clarify.

And D-dog does not own quiet. At all. Once Quiet has a silenced, non-lethal sniper, she makes the game totally unfair in an amazing way.

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@cirdain: Ha, probably the Dutch philosopher, not me, but possibly.

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@robert_fayz: I just tried a playthrough where I encouraged more romance and lied about Julia. It still worked pretty well as a story. That's real hard to do. And it led to an amazing moment where Henry reveals his fear that he's falling into dementia with all this craziness too--just shockingly sad and I had no idea it was there.

For me, I tried to think about what was best for the character, and I think it's what's best in general: while we all need to escape sometimes, we can't run from those we care about, from our responsibility, so Henry has to return to Julia and be with her. If she gets so bad that there is no memory of him, no connection, or maybe before then if she and he can divorce, perhaps that's best, but don't cheat on your sick wife, right?

It's a hard game, but it's a good game.