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Sometimes I play video games on camera, other times I play them off.. I am an enigma

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@justin258: I would also argue that as more people who grew up with those 6th and 7th generation "B-games" (or whatever we want to call them), get into game development, those games will see a resurgence. Nearly every genre and type of game has had minor resurgence over the past 5-10 years. Gaming is very cyclical and trend chasing. Some companies will chase what is hot, while others work on trying to appeal to the nostalgia in older gamers. All it takes is for one of those nostalgia games to hit, and now companies want to chase that high too. It's only a matter of time before we get the next "Singularity" that causes enough of a wave to have people trying to copy it.

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Totally agree! You only have to do a little searching on Amazon or in a gamestpre to see that there are a plethora of AA games out there that exist.

We live in a time where there are more avenues and eyes then ever in the videogame space, but I somehow feel that people have oversimplified every game to only fit into two buckets nowadays. Games are either indies or AAA and that's just not the case. I picked up a game from Amazon recently that I've never heard of "dungeon of naheulbeuk" couldn't tell you if it's any good, but it is a game that hardly fits in either of those 2 buckets. It certainly isn't going to compete with AAA games, but it's not an indie game either.

This is perhaps my own echochamber, but I do feel perhaps the issue is that with the glut of video games that come out, since no company can really cover them all, they mainly focus on AAA games or indies that are making a lot of buzz. That means that these AA games get close to no attention and the majority of people then don't even no if they exist. Sure there is always a let's play or writeup of every game, but unless you are searching it by name, you won't stumble across it.

I for one love finding these AA titles (maybe even A titles), and while they certainly almost never have the polish their big brothers do, they can sometimes be more charming, daring, or fun, since they are aiming to please everyone at once.

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This game does not photograph well.. now before anyone says "twas the style at the time they were mimicking" another world doesn't look nearly as bad as all the photos I have seen of this game. It's looks are obviously in the eye of the beholder, but I remember hearing about this game a while ago, and looking at pics always left me just questioning what I was looking at (the same thought I had at all of the screenshots you have).

Anyway, fantastic writeup.. I think it makes sense this game is on gamepass. Presumably it gets some exposure here and maybe it gets discovered by the 2-5% that would be interested in this game, and the company gets paid upfront (at least that is how I think gamepass works). Maybe just maybe one of those people, blogs favorably about it, or does a let's play and even more people check it out.

I can honestly say this game does not seem like my thing at all. Lackluster puzzles, lackluster fighting, and a story that doesn't hit, is a combination I can probably skip (until year 20 of my blog when I need to play it to rank it)

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You sold me on pathfinder.. this might be the perfect steam deck game for me.. assuming the font doesn't shrink to unreadable levels.

Good list

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(Makes notes of games to add to my "get soon" list)

Nice list, some surprises on here (like werewolves not being top 5), but a good read. There were some games 8 never heard of that sound like they might be up my alley.

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Whoa slow down.. you are making us all look bad

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Good first new year game review.. I think what I want from chicory and what I'm hoping playing it on the switch offers, is an ability to paint via touchscreen.

This is a very specific set of how to play, but I forsee this being an entry-level level game to play with my kids. One in which I have them paint the world while being the real one controlling the game.

Ultimately it's a bummer you didn't click with it, but you mentioned it might be outside your demo.

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Positive things you say? Well happy new years to the site that has given me a voice and an outlet to do some creative endeavors on my own. Happy new years to a forum, no matter the engagement, that has given me a reason to play through my backlog and to keep trudging through the mass of games I have at my disposal. And happy new years to Mr. Bigsocrates, one day I hope to fulfill our long running joke and actually play Billy Hatcher.

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Happy new years bud! These are some great resolutions. Personally I have always enjoyed reading your stuff, but I'll be there for your deep dives too. I can't say I will have much to add when you are talking about current games, as I'm always at least 1 to 2 years behind.. but bring it on.

Also to #2.. let's bring back those robust conversations.. it doesn't have to die, we just need to give it a kickstart.

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Yowch! sorry you had such a rough time with this game. This was certainly on my short list of games to pickup at the next sale, but now I'm doubting it and myself.