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There is always a rift on the forums between people who react to news in the extreme negative and the extreme positive. I just wanted to address the fact that neither extreme is favorable. You shouldn't damn anything right from the outset, but the unwavering almost-worship that happens from time to time is just as disturbing. Once in a while I'll read a comment along the lines of "these guys put all their heart into this and sacrifice and you should be thankful they're making it!" and it's ok to be thankful, but to elevate any of the crew to these messiah levels is just wrong to me. I love Jeff and all and enjoy the content they create greatly. I think most of us look on some of these quicklooks and office shenanigans and think thats like a dream job. I certainly would love to work at Giant Bomb and get paid to review games, even if you get a stinker once in a while. The fundamental issue is that it IS a job for them and you can't just brush peoples complaints aside with "they work really hard!" Not everything Jeff or Ryan say is holy and should be defended irrefutably - it's ok for members of this site to have their own opinion. If Patrick doesn't cover some stuff it's fine for people to complain about it - if this is your one stop for gaming info you'd want him to report on as much as possible especially since news are still sort of weak on the site. As much as I love the crew, sometimes I get all hot and bothered because they say stuff on the Bombcast that make me think they're fucking crazy. Thats a testament to what a wonderful community they've amassed where you get emotionally rattled by something they might say because you feel as if you personally know these guys.

So I'm just saying next time someone writes "hey there hasn't been a lot of content lately" or what is more popular these days "everything is the same I told you CBS wouldn't change them you!" let' not go jumping at each others throats. I'm sure Jeff wouldn't want an army of sycophants nodding their heads saying how great everything is even when it's not - just as much as he doesn't care for people that cry sellouts and the end of the world because of this new office move. As long as someone has an educated opinion about something, let him speak it and back it up.

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