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#1  Edited By Hornet

My New Years resolution is 2560x1440

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#2  Edited By Hornet

@brisaac: When I applied to join, I went directly to the alliance counter, searched for the alliance, and there was an option to apply. That will send a mail to Jeff or another officer (like what you saw in his stream), and then they can invite you. Unless he's appointed another officer, Jeff has been popping in to invite people pretty regularly.

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It's too hard to decide. I can give a top 5 in no particular order though:

  1. EMS-10 Zudah - A experimental mobile suit that can go so fast it blows up.
  2. MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki - It like it's overall design as well as the dumb gold color scheme.
  3. RX-178 Gundam Mk.II - It's got that Gundam feel but slightly more streamlined. I also like the dumb vulcan pod it has because its head doesn't have vulcans.
  4. RX-78NT-1 Gundam Alex - It's like the normal gundam, but it's got giant armor plates, and gatling guns in the arms.
  5. RGM-96X Jesta - I just really like the design of it. Even it's beam rifle is neat.
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The lack of consistency in the carousels is really getting to me now. On the main page, the latest content in each carousel is far left, but then when you select a series, the latest content on that page's carousel is far right. It's kind of weird.

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#5  Edited By Hornet

So far, I have a few gripes:

  • This new bomb logo isn't good. I don't like it one bit. The old bomb looked crazy and that's what made it neat. This new one looks like a dumb emoji. New bomb is too happy, and kind of looks like something someone would put on bad counterfeit merchandise. Go back to the old one.
  • The white text on black background is killer on the eyes, I'm not a big fan of that. It's actually really hard to read for me. The text is kind of all melting together. White text on gray, or a lighter gray text (like what you have when quoting a post) would make for a more comfortable experience.
  • Videos no longer seem to have a wiki entry on them like they used to. It was good being able to see what a game is, and have relevant links right there on the video page.
  • There's a lot of wasted space on the home page. The one video takes up the ENTIRE screen. I have to scroll down to see recent videos, and I have to scroll almost half way down the page before I get to things like my watch list, and what I'm currently watching. The three thumbnails below the big waste of space at the top are too big. They take up too much space.
  • There's a big bright orange chunk on the home page that either tells me to get premium if I'm not logged in, or thanks me for having premium if I am logged in. It reminds me of one of those blocks of space on a website reserved for ads that lectures you about blocking them if you have an ad blocker. It should be much smaller, or should be somewhere else.
  • There's some redundancy with the GB Infinite stuff. First, the giant block next to the giant orange premium block tells me what's live now on GB Infinite. But then, right below that big block, is a small banner that also tells me what's live on GB Infinite. My issue with this besides the redundancy, is that I have to scroll down the page quite a bit to even see this. If I open up the Giant Bomb homepage, I want to see not only the latest content, but also what's currently live on GB Infinite without having to scroll. So here's what I suggest: Get rid of the giant live now block, AND the orange premium block. Move the small Live Now banner to the top of the page, that kind of info should be front and center. Finally, make a new orange premium banner the same dimensions as the current Live on GB Infinite banner, and put that where the GB Infinite banner currently is. It's still eye catching, delivers the information you want, and takes up much less vertical real estate.
  • Your search bar should definitely not be just a tiny button in the top corner of the navigation bar. Especially when you have so much empty space where you could put a proper search bar.
  • Everything is all symmetrical until you get to the bottom with the community stuff, and the tweets. The tweets box is taller than the community box! It forces there to be a huge blank space at the bottom. Either make the tweets box shorter, and show fewer tweets, make the community box taller, and show more community stuff, or get rid of the tweets box because twitter is lame.

Those are my issues with the new site so far. I hope some of them get addressed eventually. Especially that bomb logo. Seriously. I know somebody worked hard on it, and I know you've made a lot of merch out of it now, but it's just not good. Sorry.

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#6  Edited By Hornet

As someone who watched all 291 episodes of the original, and regrets nothing, going with Kai is a good choice, though it's a shame they'll miss out on Fake Namek, and Goku/Piccolo learning to drive. Also, the original Dragon Ball is also great, and I think it's probably better than DBZ.

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Okay, I think I've got a grasp of how things are done now. I feel like this info should be more visible in game in some way. I'm pretty okay with just doing stuff for the sake of doing it, but it would be nice to know whether the stuff I'm doing is going to yield better gear, or if I'm just doing it for more stuff to scrap. Destiny is actually pretty relaxing. It's a nice game to play while listening to a podcast, or watching a movie. Anyway, Thanks for the info everyone, it's all been super helpful.

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#8  Edited By Hornet

@y2ken: I don't think these were from Luminous Engrams. We did a bunch of strikes and then when we turned in the legendary engrams we got, mine were all 268, theirs were 271/272, and as far as I know, they didn't have legendary mods in them. Unless they both happened to also have luminous engrams to turn in, and just didn't tell me. At this point though, I'm just shoving legendary mods into my gear whenever I manage to get one from the gunsmith, that seems to help a little bit. I just wish I could hit 280 so I could just get legendary mods that way.

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I know the legendary gear is supposed to cap at a certain point, and stop giving you higher level stuff, but I don't get what exactly decides what that level is.

I just started on Tuesday with the PC release, and I'm at 276. Every legendary piece of gear I get is 268 from every source but powerful milestones. I figured that's just where the game caps the legendary gear, but then two of my clan members, who are 266, and 267 are getting legendary engrams that are 270+

Like I said, I know that when your power level gets to a certain point, the legendary drops are supposed to stop going up, but is my level too high or something? Why do I get 268 stuff, and they get 270? I'm not particularly disappointed, I'm just confused how the legendary drops work. I though I understood it, but now I'm questioning my sanity.

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for good reference: this is what Kekistan is. (it's a white supremacist thing)

and here is the armor
and here is the armor
And here's the KEK flag that's being referenced
And here's the KEK flag that's being referenced

So, this never has, and still doesn't look like "kek" to me. It looks like the designer needed a simple design, so they took a chevron, and added two lines to the top and bottom. then took the whole thing, mirrored it, then added some horizontal lines between to break up the repetition. It's a simple design that you could probably replicate in a few minutes. I'm not denying it looks similar, but in this case, it seems more like a lazy designer than a racist one. If it was intentional, then it was the intent of a individual, and they'll likely be fired. I don't think it's right to throw an entire company under the bus because of one person, and I don't think it's right to assume the worst before knowing everything, and I think it's incredibly unprofessional of any news site to impulsively report on something like this in a accusatory manor without first contacting the developer. It's one thing to report on something, it's another to make baseless accusations without anything to back it up.

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