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My Favourite Music of 2013

OK, so there's a bit of music I didn't get to this year, that I would like to at some point (being an adult and budgeting money is bullshit). Those include:

  • Carcass - Surgical Steel
  • Black Sabbath - 13
  • Run The Jewels
  • Streetlight Manifesto - The Hands That Thieve
  • We Came As Romans - Tracing Back Roots
  • Crossfaith - Apocalyze
  • A Day To Remember - Common Courtesy
  • Killswitch Engage - Disarm The Dissent
  • Clutch - Earth Rocker

I will get to these, and no doubt many more, in the near future. But these are the albums I liked the most this year (only the first is part of any order, the rest are 'runners up')

  1. Bring Me The Horizon - Sempiternal: A band I've never thought much of (at all) released what, I feel, is the best album of this year. It has been in constant rotation in my car for the most of the back part of this year, and is an album that I can continually come back to over and over again. Fantastic stuff really
  2. Daft Punk - Random Access Memories: I'm slowly getting into electronic stuff, and Daft Punk have proven to be the catalyst for this. 'Get Lucky' is the obvious mention from this album, but I really enjoyed the whole thing.
  3. Childish Gambino - Because The Internet: 'Camp' has been one of my favourite albums of the last 5 or so years, and while this doesn't eclipse that effort musically (yet), Gambino's newest is my favourite hip-hop album of this year. One of the most underrated hip-hop artists presently, and a great lyricist.
  4. Kanye West - Yeezus: The other great hip-hop album from this year, Kanye went to a lot of different places musically, providing a great piece overall. 'Black Skinhead' is one of the best songs of this year...
  5. Coheed & Cambria - The Afterman [Descension]: The second part of Coheed's double album experiment was very good. I liked the fact that they tried a bunch of different stuff musically compared to previous efforts, and that is to be commended. I don't think it's better than In Keeping Secrets... or Good Apollo Vol. 1, it's still a great album from this year.
  6. HIM - Tears On Tape: Probably my favourite band (three-way tie between HIM, Machine Head, and Coheed) released another top-notch album this year. Not their best album, but still very good.

In looking at this list, I'm am a bit disappointed that I didn't get into as much music this year as I have done in years past. However, these are the albums that held my attention more than most...

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