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Average score of 2 user reviews

Fun gameplay, black humour and portals! 1

A new take on the puzzle game genre where the player uses portals to try and navigate their way through various levels full of hazards and problem solving moments. Players assume the role of Chell, a test subject in the Aperture Science facility and the game picks up slowly introducing the player to how the game works in a very tutorial like manner and gradually becomes more difficult as they progress. Which ties in well to the very "mouse in a maze" style of gameplay.Throughout the entire game ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

PC version review, a must buy for all PC gamers! 0

The Orange Box contains 5 games that are all considered A+ titles by fans and professionals alike. The Half Life series has always had critical acclaim and the sequels HL2, Ep1 and Ep2 are no different. These three games continue the story and the gameplay to one of the best PC FPS series ever created. While there are some minor downsides to the HL2 episodes in that their rather short gameplay length and lack of any new weaponry etc can come across as boring. The emotional story, intense action ...

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