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My favorite games...of all time

In mostly no particular order. One per franchise. Brief thoughts on each. Constantly evolving.

List items

  • Easily the best Mario game and the best 2D platformer of all time. Completely timeless and wonderful. Maxed out the score-counter over a period of ten years to 9,999,990.

  • A close call between this and Black Flag. Assassin's Creed 2 fixed just about everything wrong with the original. And this perfected it.

  • No New Vegas is not better. That's a lie and you know it.

  • Unprecedented in open level design and shooting mechanics at the time.

  • Spaceship battles. SPACESHIP BATTLES. IN SPACE.

  • The most fun I have ever had with a stealth game. Great 24-esque story with unique story-telling ideas. Perfect controls that make you feel like a badass.

  • You never forget your first. Also the best pack-in guitar peripheral.

  • PEGGLE!!! ONE!!!! *Jumps in the air*

  • Its Tetris, dude. I've probably bought some version of it on about twenty different devices.

  • Diablo III had a rocky start. Counted as a whole, the expansion and relative patches turned a good, loot-based ARPG, into one of the best in the genre. All achieved by Blizzard's unwavering determination to polish their games to a blinding shine.

  • Played from start to finish in one sitting. I was incredibly uncomfortable, scared and emotional the entire time. Apparently games can make you feel things now, man.

  • Bought it on a whim. One of the best decisions I ever made. The funniest game ever written and probably the best 3D platformer of all time. Also the Milkman.

  • I have installed this game on five computers in my life. It hasn't aged a day. Also I will never get sick of drowning park attendants or green-lighting half-built roller-coasters.

  • Brilliant writing. Accessible but deep, turn-based, active RPG mechanics. Fun story. Unique gameplay twists. Nintendo nailed it again.

  • Stop making Pokemon games. You already made the best one you'll ever make.

  • The best racing game of all time. Impeccably tight controls and better crash models than almost any game to date. Burnout Paradise sucks because how am I supposed to drift around right angled streets? And where is Crash Mode? Sorry Jeff. You're wrong. This game is top-dog.

  • One of the best video game stories every written. A sprawling open-world that manages to feel both lonely and alive. Only muddled by a meandering second act.

  • A real toss-up between this and Skyrim. Ultimately, Oblivion has superior quest design and that's what puts it just a hair ahead in my book. A beautiful, living world with an amazing soundtrack to match.

  • My favorite point-and-click style adventure game of all time. Incredibly endearing and beautiful art. Fantastically unique soundtrack. Challenging puzzles and an adorable story.

  • The best western RPG to date. Improved upon everything over the original with fantastic story-telling, voice-acting and shooting mechanics. An incredibly immersive and believable world with decisions that truly matter throughout the story. Or should I say galaxy?

  • (Including the episodes) Timeless and near-perfect in every way. The way and pace the story is told through the player's actions is unparalleled in the medium. Unique, physics-based environmental puzzles. Masterful level design. Fantastic voice-acting. Showed me that video games can make you cry. Valve doing what they do best: everything. Truly special.

  • How does Valve manage to outdo themselves every time? Truly brilliant level design with a cryptic story and and unparalleled co-op experience. There is only one game funnier than this and that's the one above it. A true achievement.

  • The best in the series. But all except Skyward Sword, Majora's Mask and Spirit Tracks are acceptable answers.

  • I don't know why I love this game. Maybe its the skimpy black dress in that one mission...Or maybe because its a Tomb Raider game with actual tombs to raid.

  • The best, most pure Tony Hawk experience. Except for being Tony Hawk himself.

  • Incredible level design.

  • An mmo that is actually fun to play. Great combat and enjoyable, rewarding leveling and exploration.

  • Pablo Sanchez