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Many promises and all unfulfilled 0

Rise of the Robots is a fighting game developed by Instinct Design, an in-house studio of British developer Mirage Technologies (Multimedia) Ltd. Its release was originally planned for Amiga and DOS, although it later received ports to multiple systems. It had a heavy advertising campaign that cost its publisher Time Warner Interactive more than a million pounds sterling, which was unprecedented at the time. Its first announcement to the public was made during the 1993 Consumer Electronics Show ...

3 out of 3 found this review helpful.

Even worse than the movie 2

Cutthroat Island is a video game based on the film of the same name which is sadly famous for having been a failure at the box office, generating losses of more than 100 million dollars and causing the bankruptcy of its studio. To promote the film, it was decided to simultaneously launch an adaptation of it for Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, Gameboy and Game Gear, all of them developed by the British studio Software Creations. Distribution in the North American market and the United Kingdom was c...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Good ideas but disastrous execution 0

Heavy Nova is an action game that combines platform elements with a one-on-one fighting game, originally released for Sega CD exclusively in Japan in December 1991. The following year it came to Genesis only in the North American market, and despite the notable difference in storage between the CD and the cartridge, there are almost no differences. The only noticeable change is the absence of vocals in the song at the beginning of the game, maybe the instruments sound a little “flatter&rdq...

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