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I'm starting my own type of reviews

Looking back at what I've done for Giantbomb, I haven't done a lot other than a couple blogs and some forum posts. So I thought I'd start writing reviews. But then I look at some reviews already written and thought "Damn, my reviews can't touch this." That's when I figured I'd give my reviews my own spice. In case you don't know (You probably don't) I'm a pretty sarcastic person. I'm going to write sort of "fake reviews" of games. I will call them "The Idiot's Review of Sarcasm (Great name, I know)" They are meant to be taken for fun and not to offend anybody's secret love affair with the game I'm reviewing. I will have played all the games I review so I have a good grip of what they are and poke fun and points I think deserve to be poked at. I will give the game a score in reality I think it deserves so it won't screw up the system. Here's a sample of my work, so enjoy and look out for future reviews :)

The Idiot's Review of Sarcasm - Persona 4 (Full Review Here)

"The main character of the game sets foot in a Japanese high school, which is similar to any other high school except the teachers can abuse and say whatever the hell they want to kids and when a student yells "rape" nobody listens. At this high school, you'll meet your friends who accompany you on your journey. The game tries to emotionally connect you to these characters through a dating sim system (Yes, it is as lame as it sounds) in which the character would forcibley bawl out their inner most secrets about how their uncle touched them as a small child. All of which went over my head because I could give a bigger whoop about these problem childs. You see, most of the game is set up to make the player connect with the characters, but I had an easier time connecting with the latest cast of "Rock of Love." Just because somebody is on the edge of suicide and I am there to comfort them doesn't mean I actually like them, I'm just trying to keep them from killing themselves. But by the end of the game, I didn't care whether my friends ended up getting killed in the television because I was starting to suspect the main character was the one throwing them in tv's just to shut up the annoyingness. Seriously, Yoskue, if you talk about your Saki-Senpai one more time, I'm going to drown you in actual Sake."