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Cyanide and Happiness

Hello. Greetings. Salutations. I've come to tell you all about an online comic strip. Yep, you heard me right. Online comic strip. Amazing what technology has brought us. It's like a new revolution. A first of it's kind (Penny Arcade? What's that?) You can't get this stuff in newspapers. Newspapers wouldn't even dare put this stuff on their boring, drab pages. These comics are too good for newspapers. Newspapers couldn't generate an audience anywhere close to what the interwebs could draw. That is why I bring you, Cyanide and Happiness. Behold in it's amazing sense of humor, revel in it's deep artistic visuals, and fall in love with it's deep character development.

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Demand more entertainment? You can view thousands of strips from the greatest web comic of all time FOR FRREEEEEEEEE here.