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All the Funny People, where do they all come from?

Alright, it's been a year since Pineapple Express, so you know what that means? Time for another Judd Apatow movie! I love this guy's movies. He is a comic genius when it comes to cinema. The guy has been very inspirational with the style of comedy that can be very raunchy, yet still appeal to so many people. He's one of my favorite current writers and the guy's directing skills can be pretty impressive for somebody who focuses on comedy.

Enough with my JA dick riding, now let me talk about his new movie, Funny People. When I first saw the trailers for Funny People I thought it would be a more sentimental approach. If you don't know, FP is a movie about a stand up comic/actor who finds out he has a very rare disease and doesn't have much longer to live. The trailer doesn't give much more information than that so it was hard to determine how much actual comedy would be in it. However, the jokes in those trailers were enough to make me believe it was a Apatow movie so I knew I was going to see it.

I saw the movie opening day (tonight) and I haven't laughed for so long and hard for the entire summer. Before you ask, yes, I have seen The Hangover. That movie was my old summer comedy king. Well, that movie was just dethroned. FP offers more than just rehtard jokes and slapstick comedy. FP has much more witty writing, almost all the jokes were hilarious and no tiny penises flying at your face!

Funny People gave off a fresh comedy taste by giving us a complex plot and quite a few subplots. The movie focuses on character development (which you should expect out of a JA movie) but it was really entertaining to see how much shit the main character must go through before he realizes he needs to makes some changes. It came off feeling very natural. There was plenty of drama, but it was all sped up with a constant barrage of funny quirks and comments.

To all the people who are usually turned off by Adam Sandler movies, don't fear. Sandler doesn't do his known "is he retarded, or just really stupid?" role he has done in the past. Sandler gives a good emotional performance that can almost rival his from Punch Drunk Love. He goes back to his roots and gives a great performance of a stand up comic as he delivers all of his funny lines perfectly.

The only real drawback is that this movie is looooong. It's a little more than 2 and a half hours. I felt like they could have cut out some of the more dramatic scenes involving the main character's ex, but they back this by beefing up the comedy. Overall, Sandler and Rogen were both hilarious. There was great writing, great delivery and the stand up comedy portions were all great. There are some hilarious cameos (Eminem cussing out Ray Romano had me in stitches) and this is hands down my comedy pick of the summer. It's a shame that I have a feeling that this one will be lost at the box offices.