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MegaMan X GiantBomb game now available for download =D

Voting Finished

The voting for the next Boss has been completed. Vinny Wins -_-;; Whenever I have some free time, I'll put together a Vinny Boss fight next =)

Free Game

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or at least, free boss fight =P I did a quick and dirty game jam that I sort of posted updates on here.

It's my first time attempting to build a game out for distribution so I'm not entirely sure if it'll work and how it works on other people's comps. If it doesn't work, please let me know along with whatever errors you have. If it does work, drop me a note on what you think =)

Download Ver 1.24


Keyboard and 360 controller supported

Z(keyboard) or C(keyboard), X or B on controller to shoot.

X(keyboard) or A on controller to jump.

arrow keys or d-pad for movement.

down + jump to slide.

Enter or Start to skip.

I'm not sure if there's a download limit on dropbox, but that's how I'm sharing it for now. Enjoy!

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Here is a vid of the game. I highly recommend you just play through it yourself since the entire thing is under 5 min but if you can't for whatever reason, you can still watch it here =P

Version Update Information Below

SPOILER WARNING: Click here to reveal hidden content.

If you've already installed, you must uninstall before installing the new version.

Update V1.4

added respawn on game over screen if you lose.

tweaked ryan's attack so there are no impossible situations.


adjusted attack a bit more


lowered the low platforms a bit


reduced lifetime of ryddok's bullets


added start select arrow


attempted to be compatible with more video cards by dropping DX10


fixed various bugs such as music continuing to play after ending and also being able to fire while READY is flashing

Added a SLIIIIIDEEEE!!!! Down + Jump!


C button also fires weapon to allow both left/right combinations of jump/fire


Balance changes to keep things more fair.

Ryddok no longer moves before the player can.

Humming birds further spread apart to allow dodging through any combination.

Boundaries changed to prevent extreme travel through walls for Ryddok.

Full collision with all platforms.

V1.15 ~ V1.18

Made a large amount of changes to the structure of the program to support extra bosses and potential levels.

Changed the camera to have movement functions

Begun implementing basics of Vinny as a boss character

Added a select screen in which currently only Ryan is selectable.


Quickly added a difficulty selection. You can now play the game on Easy. I'll prolly change the attack patterns a bit based on which difficulty is selected but for now, it just reduces the damage taken by Mega Man when hit.


Giant Bomb quickie game jam

It's done =D

Please head to above link to get download and leave any questions/bugs/comments there if possible =)

In the beginning

In honour of this new beta site and because I spent the last 4 months working on a vision engine followed by 2 straight weeks of working on just how doors function, I think I'll be spending the next two days or so on a quick and dirty single screen game jam related to Giant Bomb. I'll post details once I start tomorrow here. In the meanwhile, if anyone is interested in contributing some music or say some sound effect work, please let me know. I'll be handing all the programming and the majority of the art.

Since this is going to be a super small scale project, I'll prolly go with something simple, quick and easy. Right now it's a tie in my head between a Giant Bomb themed bomberman game and a Megaman boss rush. Maybe using some of the sprites from one of my previous blog posts.

I'm sort of leaning towards the Mega Man right now since I really don't want to deal with any net code as that'd make things difficult to the point that it'd prolly take longer than the 2 ish days I'm willing to devote to this thing. As awesome as a giant bomb bomberman would be. . . it'd be a really sad and boring single player experience =\


So I originally posted this on the beta site, but seeing as how all that's gonna disappear, figured I'd put it up here as well. I was gonna do it tomorrow but I sorta settled on the Megaman thing and wanted to get my hands dirty. I found a megaman spritesheet and just got started.

What I've got done so far is the bulk of MegaMan. He can move, jump, shoot. . . which is just about everything he can do. I was considering adding his slide but figured he wouldn't really need it.

I've also put in basic collision detection so that he knows when he's on the floor and when he's not. While it's not shown here since it's just one big floor and platform, he can also run into walls when I want them to be solid. I'm fairly happy with how simple everything seems to be but since this was originally an NES game, I don't know what I was expecting =P

I also added in some of the traditional megaman sounds we all know and love.

Finally, just for the sake of it looking like something Giant Bomb related and not just a remake of Megaman, I went ahead and threw in Ryddok.

Here's where I'm at as I go to bed -_-;;

Things to do.

I need to build out the HUD which will pretty much just consist of a life bar for Megaman and the Boss enemy. I think that'll be pretty easy to do, I just have to get around to it.

I need to draw and build out Ryddok as an actual boss character rather than have him just hovering and following Megaman around. I'm thinking this is where the bulk of my remaining time will go. I'm prolly going to settle for 1 or 2 ranged attacks, and some attack movement patterns. So, I'm guessing say 3 to 4 frames of animation per attack plus a taking damage sprite. Shouldn't be too difficult.

A title screen. Most likely, I'll just use that megaman pic I worked up of giant bomb so this also shouldn't be a problem.

This entire thing was built up from scratch with the exception of the megaman sprite sheet using XNA and C#. I'm pretty happy with the quick and easy progress and very hopeful to actually finish this thing in the next day or so. Once I finish, I plan on figuring out how to package it and share it with anyone who wants to give it a run -_-;;

Need Help With

I could still use some music if anyone is willing to take a stab at it. If not, I'll prolly just end up picking a favorite from one of the many available Megaman tunes. I'll also take any suggestions anyone has into consideration on what Ryddok's attacks should be. Hell, if you can work some pixel art magic, I'll even use what you put together =)


Regular or exaggerated proportions for pixel characters?

TLDR sum up of all this nonsense at bottom =)

While spinning a whole bunch of plates, one of the things I'm trying to nail down is the proportions of the characters. In most cases, I prefer the look and feel of characters that have exaggerated proportions (big heads, short legs) over normal proportions when it comes to pixel work but the game I'm building is going for a very sim like level of realism which is causing me to question which way I should go.

I've finally begun to implement height as being a real thing when it comes to vision and looking over/under things. I've got it worked out to where one inch of vertical measurement = 1 pixel. I've already modified all the current walls I've got built up to the new heights but I'll have to change the height of all characters to match the new system to make things look right visually. Now I've got roughly 30% more space to work with vertically on my characters so I need to decide whether I want to go stylized or try to retain realistic proportions.

Here's a quick mock up of the misproportioned style of characters and what they might look like in the game I made using some hopefully recognizable figures =P

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If I decide to go with the stylized look, the characters won't be as tall as they would need to be to fully reflect the 1pixel = 1inch measurement system but there'll be enough of a height gain to not cause things to look way out of whack. Also, I'll have a little more width to work with for most of the bodies. If I were to go full on realistic proportions though, they would be about a head taller than what you see there now and only slightly wider. Discussing it with a friend, I may need to just go ahead and mock up both and see which one feels right interacting with the game world. Most likely, I'll have to do that but I figured I'd ask around and try to cast a wider net of opinions just to see what ya'll have to say about it.

Vision Cone What?

Here's a video that may or may not have finished uploading by the time you read this that shows what I mean about the vision cones working vertically. short walls obstruct vision as it would in a FPS game where if you're taller than the wall, you can still see the floor beyond it if you're taller. The closer you get to the wall, the closer the floor you can see since your angle of vision downwards will become steeper. This is also true for if you're standing on a higher elevated floor. Vision will play a very important role so this type of vision cone stuff has been a pain in the ass to program and still needs some tweaking and optimization but I've got a system that works for now =P

Sorry if my post isn't fully coherent as it's almost 1am and I really need to sleep.


For an isometric turn based game, do you prefer stylized proportion characters like FF Tactics or realistic proportioned characters like in the old Fallout Series?

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GiantBomb cross Persona Project

So as far as I'm concerned, there isn't nearly enough Persona/Giant Bomb artwork available. So I plan to attempt to remedy this. I've never tried an "anime" or specifically Persona style before and so I'm thinkin we'll all be learnin together. In any case, I whipped up a rough draft of what I'd sorta like to go for and for the most part finished one head just to give you guys a feel for what I'm shooting for. This'll prolly be a longer term type thing because I've only got a half hour here and there to devote to this with everything else going on in my life but I'll keep updating here and hopefully ya'll can give me some constructive criticisms along the way.

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I get the feeling Vin's beard is a little too thick. I'm also considering giving him a proper stache instead of the stubble streaks. I'm also giving them all a bit of a serious "shit's about to go down" type attitude rather than happy go lucky. I'm planning on having Vinny's eyes show through his glasses some what as well and I'll recolor them when I get around to it. I know there are a couple critical people missing here, but I thought this time I'd stick strictly to the main bombcasters so that I actually finish and don't bite off more than I can chew. And don't ask why Ryan is naked. He just is. Deal with it.


Mega Man inspired Bombers

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I was driving around and thought this might be a cool thing to do. Turns out, I might have been correct. I'm in need of a 9th spot and some names to place under the ones I don't have. Gerstmann's last name just fucking works so done. Tricky. . . I guess could also just be Trick but meh.

For the most part, the ones I've got done are pretty done. I can still fix up Patrick's hair a bit along with Ryan's and I'm sure when I take another look at this later, I'll be able to see a lotta other stuff that needs fixin but for now. May also change Press Start to Press Bomb. Dunno.

While it's not finished yet, I get the feeling I'm gonna really like how this one finishes out. Maybe I'll try to see if I can get a shirt made. This whole thing came out of thinking about how much I like my Members only GB shirt w/the roller coaster on the back. Anyway, please comment and criticize away.

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Mario Themed Wedding Card

So, I'm making a Super Mario themed wedding card for my friends who're getting married this weekend. They're kinda gamers and for their wedding shower, they both dressed up as Mario and Peach so I figured it'd be fun and different to make them a personalized card.

These are the designs I came up with. Any feedback on changes and which one I should go with? Currently I'm leaning towards the TV one w/out the reflection. If I do, I'll prolly cut it out in the shape of the TV (get rid of the white) and put it on a cut out stock paper on the back that can fold out so that it can stand on its own like a TV -_-;; Or I could sorta keep it more classy and crisp w/the other variants.

BTW, the scores are their respective birthdates -_-;;

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Any design change suggestions will also be taken into consideration. I was thinking about maybe throwing the Mario 2 style curtains around it if I went w/the card instead of the TV. . . or some kind of a border. Iono.


More pixelated Giant Bombers

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Here they are separate for anyone who wants em! These are all Included in the Zip file up above =)

In the beginning

right now it's just the two of us.
right now it's just the two of us.

I like the picture I have in my head of a bunch of em just running to the right like they're in some awful video game so I'll stick w/that motif for anyone else I add. I'll continue on with this until it eventually becomes something bigger, but no less stupid. Consider this a first pass -_-;; I'll put some more time into it tomorrow perhaps =)

Any suggestions for positions/clothing/people to add would be welcome =) I'm thinking I'll prolly do Jeff or Patrick next but who knows. . .

Update 1:

So, I fixed a few things at this point and added a rough Klepek. Ryan's beard has been trimmed a little in the neck area and I've increased Brad's sideburns by 100% (added a whole nother pixel to it). I've also made some adjustments to the clothing around Ryan's left arm. I messed around a little bit w/the idea of adding stubble to his chin but didn't really like how it looked so it's off for now though that's not to say it's not a possibility later on. I wanna get everyone in before I start really digging into details because I wanna keep it uniform. Btw, Klepek is in the classic shaggy run pose and wearing the same outfit I had him in my previous GB pixel thingy because I just think it's hilarious =P

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I'll be back w/more eventually. I'm not entirely happy w/PK's pants. . .

Update 2

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Added a Jeff. The face is still rough. I was thinking about having him look as if he's whistling but maybe I'll give him a more aggressive look. . . though if I did that it might make more sense if he was leaning forward on his mega scooter. iono.

Update 3

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Added Mr Caravella & Co. I'll prolly figure out a way to add hardcore dave into the mix and after that. I dunno. Is that everyone? Alex Nvarro? This is all still rough but I'd still appreciate any comments on how to increase anyone's likeness if I'm missing stuff. Mostly, I'll need to do fine tuning of the face and hair of everyone.

Update 4

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Drew to popular demand! Stupid pun aside, I added one Mr Scanlon to the mix. His face is still rough but I wanted to get the basic positioning in to see if it'd work in the first place. The only thing I can remember about him is North Korea, and flight simulators using that crazy 3 point hat sooooo. . . . he's doin an airplane whilst wearing said hat. I can't get the points on the hat to show w/a solid white bg, but it should be better once there's a bg that's not just white. Also, his face is somewhat jacked and you can't really see his hair. Mostly, the thing I'll go back and touch up the most will be all the character's hair since I just threw it in there to get the general face shape at the moment. Including Tricky's seemingly spike hair =P

Update 5

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Navarro joins the mix. I wasn't really sure what to do with him. I'd gotten some suggestions on a party hat which I might still add depending on whether ppl think it's necessary. I went with this tongue face and horn hands to the side but it's pretty hard to tell what's going on with his left hand so I may scrap it later on. Just a few more then I can get to everyone's hair, proper shadows and some sort of a BG. Also, at this point, I may need them to actually be running away or escaping from something. I've got a couple things in mind but I'd like to keep it a surprise for later =P Also, good ol' Mr Marino has this post into the Community Spotlight on the front page =) Thanks for that!

Update 6

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Re-positioned ppls and added a slightly older Hardcore Dave. At this point, am I missing anyone? -_-;; Does anything stand out as being completely wrong? If not, I'll prob start workin on some bg and fine tuning the existing characters into a more final phase =)

Update 7

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Started putting in a really simple BG. I'm still not positive what exactly I want back there but maybe it'll come to me as I continue working on the foreground stuff. Anyway, special guest appearance. I think maybe I should add a collection of things/people/characters etc on the left chasin the bombers on the right. Dunno. . . This is all just off the top of my head.

Update 8

I couldn't get the idea out of my head once someone said it.

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Also went back to a plain white BG for now till I can think of what I want to actually use. . . And I've been hearing a lot of calls for Alexander or some such person. I guess I'll have to dig up some pics or something to figure out who this guy is and what to draw him as. -_-;;

Update 9

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I don't really know much about this Alexis fellow but due to popular demand, there he is. Since I'm not familiar w/him, I couldn't really figure out what to do, but upon searching for him on the internet, I found a picture of him riding a little girls tricycle down a hill. . . so there -_-;;

Update 10

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Lots and lots of little edits across everyone. Biggest change is Rorie no longer being all mean and trying an open smile for Mr Davis. Futzed with a lot of hair and such. I also just realized that chesty McChesty hair totally reminds me of that big dude with the nutty hair from some fighting game. Maybe Street Fighter 4. I forget.

Update 11

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Just for laughs.

Update 12

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A very rough Brad Muir appears!

Just a few edits.

Update 13

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More tweaking. I tried throwing Brad in his safety gear to see if it helps. I've got it so that it can easily be removed if it doesn't jive well. Also added Will's buddy and by request, a baby w/alchohol.

Update 14

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Mr Marathon himself! =D

Update 15

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Made some adjustments to Will, Ryan's got his old smile back, Greg has been darkened a bit, vinny's sleeves are shorter and minor tweaks all around.

Update 16

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I'm pretty sure I'm done adding ppl. Unless someone that needs to be here pops up. Now I gotta try and think up something that'll work w/all of em background wise. =\

Update 17

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Yet even more rearranging and the addition of some Comic Vine. I can't possibly be missing anyone at this point right? Right?

Update 18

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Due to popular demand. Also tweaked Drew a bit because he had a serious Calvin and Hobbes vibe goin on before. . . May need a bit more. I'll try to add Whitta maybe tomorrow or so -_-;;

Update 19
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Update 21
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Update 22
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Update 24
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Update 25
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Update 26
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Update 27
Update 27
intermission. Just for kicks
intermission. Just for kicks
Update 28
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Update 29
Update 29
Update 30
Update 30
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Jar Time with Jeff. More pixels -_-;;

So a little while back, I drew this out of the blue.

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And since then I did some pixel art stuff for more funsies.

Then I got the idea. . . Why not pixelart the shit out of that creepy ass Jeff picture during Jar time?

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Haha. Mostly because I think that image is hilarious. For kicks, I threw it onto a mini giant bomb. . . Maybe I should change it to Mini Bomb. . . Back to work. Real work I mean.


Giant Bomb Crew in faux 16-bit

I just got the sudden urge to try some pixel art of the GB crew and this is what I came up with.

Original pixely size
Original pixely size
Full On Giant Bomber Sizer
Full On Giant Bomber Sizer

I think I'm happiest with the way brad and vinnie came out. Jeff was prolly the hardest to make somewhat recognizable while patrick maybe the easiest due to his fro. Ryan, was a bitch to make and I'm still not happy with, but the more I tinker, the worse it seems to get -_-;; I'm missing a few key folks but thems the breaks. Like with anything that has to do with making something, I could prolly tinker with this thing forever but touching it up here and there over the past few days whenever I felt the urge, I think it's gotten to a point where I can put it aside and consider it done =D Though, now that I have them sprites, maybe next time I feel like doing something stupid like this again, I'll use em and make some kind of like, pixel art fake cards or something =P

Here is the sort of the process I went through in putting this horrific pixelated mess together. Btw, don't click on anything that looks like a link. That's just me not being able to manhandle the damn blog picture entries to work the way I want them to =\

Started with Jeff and Ryan because why the hell not?
They're both looking pretty damn rough
For Patrick, immediately thought of that crazy ass video he's in. For the most part,
his rough was closest to the final.

next comes Vinnie. I'm missing feet on all these because all my references were from like, the waist up =\

Added Mr Shoemaker, who is also very close to final on first pass. Along the way, kept messing w/Jeff's face because something about it just didn't seem right.

Threw in the Logo + more minor tweaks

More details to the bg green screen.

Added some more background elements and began adjusting heights some after getting feedback.

Added the wall on the left, and further edits and minor details.

By the will of Claude the great!

Re-enactment of Patrick Tricky K's interview/audition as news editor of Giant Bomb
Re-enactment of Patrick Tricky K's interview/audition as news editor of Giant Bomb
Crew in Jones as provided by Hamst3r
Crew in Jones as provided by Hamst3r
RIVAL VIDEOGAME WEBSITE as provided by MikeGosot
RIVAL VIDEOGAME WEBSITE as provided by MikeGosot

Draw Something

I'm still pluggin away at coding but in between, I've become totally hooked on this iOS game called Draw Something. It's like turn based pictionary where you draw something, send it to a friend, and they try to guess what it is you drew. Then in return, they draw something, and you guess. Not too complicated. Anyway, I've fallen off the deep end. There's a limited amount of ink so in some weird way, they're like timed drawings since as long as you're constantly drawing, you'll run out in around 10 minutes. The first time I hit this wall, I was unawares (Conan) and didn't really finish -_-;; I think the reason for this limit is that the recipient watches the draw take place on their end so I have to assume the file size of the draws might get a little large.

In any case, here are a few of my draws with words =D If anyone else plays this game and happens to have any cool screen grabs, I'd love to see em.

It's almost in order, you can sorta see me getting more and more ambitious as I unlock more colors and realize I can actually use the thing to draw. I think my current favorites are Caveman, Frodo and Frog. Oh, and Knee -_-;;

I've been featured on IGN -_-;; If you wanna see me draw a just busted ugly Shepard. . .