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My Let's Play Collection

Pretty straightforward. I've played through these games, filmed the process, and stuck the whole thing on YouTube. Or I intend to do so in the very near future. Links to the first episodes included where appropriate.

List items

  • I'd never actually beaten this game, in the ten-odd years I'd owned it, until I gave myself extra incentive by filming myself doing it.

  • Considering I only picked it up because it was six dollars, I was floored at how good this game was. Leagues better than Ryan made it out to sound. I strongly recommend it, actually.

  • Retro isn't really my thing, but I had fun with this ridiculous gravity platformer. Never beat Doing Things The Hard Way, though.

  • SHOGO's plot still barely makes sense, and I wonder if that was intentional, given that it was inspired by impenetrable Japanese anime. I actually went and did both endings for this one.

  • Really enjoyed this game, at least when the framerate and my controller weren't acting up. Genuinely bummed that the follow-up isn't actually a sequel. Highly recommended.

  • The first real horror game I've ever played, though I've heard it's not really that scary by genre standards. I enjoyed the gameplay immensely, though the confusing, relentlessly bleak storyline left a lot to be desired.

  • Kinda wish there was more story stuff, if only so I wasn't constantly having to talk about other stuff, but it's a fun first-person-puzzler, and the scenery is generally gorgeous.

    It was also episode 1 of my sub-series, "Let's Play a Demo". (

  • When I had trouble with an episode of The Ball, I LPed this five-minute game as an entertaining placeholder.

  • Had to dumb down the graphics so it would run while recording, but I really enjoyed this one. Fighting the Koreans was way more fun than fighting aliens, though.

  • Picked this up for a song, and Nolan North is always welcome. Shame about the cliffhanger ending, though.

  • The second horror game I ever played, and I liked it a lot better than the first one. Making Isaac into an actual character made all the difference in the world.

  • Also even better than the first one, though I had my doubts going in.

  • One of my favourite games in this list. Coming back to Wonderland and seeing a few familiar faces was almost as enjoyable as butchering my enemies without remorse or mercy, just the way a crazy person should.

  • A rather odd indie game I played in a single afternoon, I would recommend it if you have a couple hours to kill.

  • The actual action in this game was kind of crap (sorry, Rorie!), but I genuinely enjoyed the storyline and interactions with characters.

  • This is an ongoing LP alongside my main ones, a "Let's Both Play" co-op video series where I play the game with my friend Suggestion Boy. The storyline is completely ignorable, but it's not a bad game if you like mindless shooting.

  • This was featured in the second episode of Let's Play a Demo. It appears to be Gravity Gun: The Game, and it struck me as mediocre, although nothing really happened during the 15 minutes I recorded.

  • The first game I LPaD'ed after my account received the ability to upload videos of unlimited length. And I still didn't finish the demo. This game suuuuuucks.

  • I dunno, didn't seem too bad, but it really, really wasn't my thing. It's a platformer about a pink-haired catgirl bounty hunter with a magic sword, that's all you really need to know.