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Edit # Wiki page Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
153505 Magic: The Gathering Arena Game Removed second person tense. 03/18/21 06:16PM 609 approved
153284 Magic: The Gathering Arena Game Updated the text to speak more broadly about MTG Arena and a little bit of it's history. Whenever WOTC roles out new digital products or features this will have to be udpated. Likewise should new rules or regulations to how this game is used as a service. 03/17/21 05:51PM 535 approved
153258 Magic: The Gathering Arena Game Updated the page. No longer refers to a specific time frame of Magic and more broadly to the gameplay experience and features. This will need 'upkeep' (haha) when WoTC updates with new features. This page will need to be updated in a couple of months when mobile distribution roles out. 03/17/21 04:04PM 19 approved