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@fluidk said:

While I’m not a wrestling fan, from what I know about it, it makes complete sense that he couldn’t talk about it. Its a show that pretends to be real. What could he say that wouldn’t damage that precarious identity.

No one has thought this for at least 20 years, Vince McMahon himself held a press conference and admitted, publicly, that wrestling is fake. There were people who wanted him dead for it, literally dead, but this has not been a thing in the community since the early '90s, and after '98 it has entirely fallen by the wayside.

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#2  Edited By CurseOfTheWise

@zoofame: You, uh...seem like you got another ax altogether to grind, there.

From what I can tell: Dan's doing great and some people, especially on this site, are being REALLY weird about that in one direction or another.

@humanity To say nothing of their Saudi relationship and more being stuff that Dan was never going to talk about even BEFORE he went and worked for them (not his thing, absolutely fine, don't hold it against him), soooooo...I personally love when GB or Waypoint really rake them over the coals. With how much the games industry is allowed to get away with, we don't need to use kid gloves on ANOTHER broken industry.

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#3  Edited By CurseOfTheWise

The simple fix would seemingly be: only listen to whichever one you like?

A reduction of content right now doesn't really suit the site, they just had a giant move and people are still under lockdown with not a great deal to do, so I'm sure there are a ton of people who appreciate the glut of podcasts every week.

For my money, I find The HotSpot to be a bit redundant, so I don't exactly miss it. But there are thousands of listeners who don't engage with anything else on the website other than the podcasts, so...

Not gonna happen anytime soon, unless there's a MASSIVE staff shakeup.

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@panfoot said:
@efesell said:

Do not support NFTs in any fashion. It is a legitimately harmful process and there are infinitely better ways to raise for charity.

This, I would lose a lot of respect for the site if anybody involved got into this racket(Not that I think they would, I would be very surprised).

Can we get a quick-and-dirty on why it's inherently sleazy/harmful, and not just "parting a fool with their money, soonish"?

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Remaking this game sounds like the most cynical cash grab imaginable. As you point out here, it is also artistically questionable.

This setup better have a HELLUVA punchline for them...cause "grimdark misery porn feat. Bearded Dad" is a well that is fast starting to look brackish.

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#6  Edited By CurseOfTheWise

@berfunkle:Yeah, that's what they did during the Kansas Flu epidemic, they just 'got on with it' and life didn't change at ALL. If this had happened in the '80s, people breaking the mask mandates would probably be in jail because the stakes would be so much higher than they are now. We live in privileged times, and we're ONLY JUST NOW figuring out HOW privileged we could have been living for years now.

@nevergameover: It's a real damn shame that happened to you. I got married in 2016, the year that was stolen from us by tragedy, and it's always a strangely bittersweet time. It's difficult to live now, being forced to give up things we wouldn't for our neighbors we barely know, but I might suggest that not recognizing that more people died in this than both atomic bomb attacks on Japan is the TEXTBOOK DEFINITION OF BEING SELFISH. Even your examples: you cancelled YOUR wedding, you spent YOUR life-savings are SELFISH EXAMPLES.

It's okay to be selfish sometimes (when self-caring, when one's life is in danger, when one has to choose between a friend and a stranger), but don't act selfish and try to frame it as taking a STAND. Because you're literally setting yourself up to fight against altruism, which might work on the campaign trail, but probably won't win you any points in a videogame forum you want to frequent.

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Love that these threads always feature a decent conversation despite the fanboyish tone of the OP.

Seriously, leave the bullshit '80s Corporate Handbook "in order to succeed, someone else MUST fail" and just enjoy Persona and leave Final Fantasy to doing whatever they're gonna do. I think Persona games have only gotten better since 3 to 4 to 5, but that doesn't mean I have to hate something else in equal measure. And neither do you.

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@finaldasa: Considering how behind the 8-ball we are with regards to Climate Change, this shit's going to happen again within our lifetime. For sure. Hopefully we won't have just elected a bunch of populist strongmen science-denying fascist-wannabes to some of the highest positions of global power as soon as it does next time around.

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(Makes post)

(People point out the issues with said post)

"Guess there's too many Sony fanboys here, huh?"


Re: "if this were Sony you'd be saying the same thing"... nah. When Sony was the stick in the mud for Fortnite and Minecraft cross-play a couple years ago, most if not all of the GB community was calling them out for pettily keeping the playerbases separated, which clearly benefited them as the market leader.

Dunno why some people keep up with boards that are so obviously "against them."

Almost as if they're not here to actually have a discussion, just prop themselves up and feel superior.

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I sometimes wonder whether Jim Sterling is preaching to the choir on a lot of his videos, and then I see this and realize: no, the problem's just deeper than I want to admit.

Seriously, cheering for one billion dollar company to "punish" another one for cheap, petty revenge just because of a personal grudge...

Be careful attaching your ego to a product, kids. You tend to take any criticism of said product personally.

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