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Average score of 2 user reviews

Claude's Quick Review 2

It has a plausible story and characters that have meat, focus and frailty. There are moments that you have to experience. And before the end, challenges to overcome. Worth every penny. Full price.A game worth playing. I turned the dial down to easy. It was worth it for the story alone. I could never imagine loving a character more than Ellie. I was Joel. I am Joel. I had a past that I dared not talk about. I did bad things. I survived. Some died....

4 out of 5 found this review helpful.

Mii support? Check. Online? Check. Start the countdown. 4

Mario Kart Wii is a game of its predecessors. It is a safe and plausible new addition to the Mario Kart universe. The game feels familiar from the beginning, Grand Prix, Time Trial, VS and Battle modes are all there. There are changes, a wheel that comes with the game, dual players of Double Dash are gone motorcycles are in. The control scheme now has four choices, wii wheel, nunchuk and wii remote, GameCube controller and the classic controller.At the beginning, you’re asked to create a license...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.