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Franchises that need to fucking DIE

Sometimes I like it when a series continues on. Other time, I get overly pissy and seriously wish they would just stop making games for it.

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  • Yeah yeah yeah it's "cool" to hate Halo and really, nothing I can say here will be anything that hasn't already been said so instead just enjoy this word in Japanese that I don't know exactly what it means 記

  • They seriously have no idea how to make Lara likable nor make her easy to control, so they should just give up already. I mean, what, they've made how many games so far and she still controls like a poorly made car with tits instead of hubcaps?

  • How many times can you release the same god damn boring game and still get your investment back? No seriously, I want to know.

  • The first game was utterly brilliant. The second one took a few steps forward and a few steps back but was otherwise a solid title. The third had some good ideas but executed them in a bit of a flawed manner. The fourth was all about titties and Darth Vader.

  • If the new and upcoming 2D Sonic game is a failure, then it is truly time to give up on the blue Hedgehog and leave him to the whims of the furries who draw porn of him and Shadow and/or Tails and/or Knuckles.

  • The novelty of blood and violence has long sense worn itself out thanks to, well, almost every M rated game out there, and no amount of DC comics can make this fighting game feel any less stiff.