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#1  Edited By Bogard

As someone who plays Apex Legends daily, I can only apologize. I think it's interesting how little mainstream games media actually covers the games people play in the mainstream. If it's not a new release, it might as well not exist in the news cycle until there's some investor call for everyone to misinterpret.

@cikame: The thing is...I think a lot of these companies see it like a lottery ticket. Yes, many of these games will fail and be immediately shuttered. Some others will have a certain amount of success and do okay (like Sea of Thieves.) And then once in a while you get a huge hit you can build your whole company around.

Isn't that all game development? It's a high risk, high reward industry. Has been for a while.

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@gyratyne said:

Rashid is in World Tour without purchase. A new marker will appear in Nayshall at night, which will eventually lead to him. He gets the usual cutscene intro, missions, and such. It's pretty nice for a free update.

I like getting to fight Azam. He has a cool command throw. Very Ultimate Muscle.

Just when I thought I was out. You can earn his 2P costume this way too?

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#3  Edited By Bogard
@ginormous76 said:

World Tour mode was fantastic. I'm not going to grind out to max level, but it was a ton of fun. I know the Mortal Kombat 1 campaign is going to be like the previous games, which is going to make it feel so antiquated.

I don't think they have much to worry about. World Tour is fine, but it feels more antiquated to me than anything in MK11. As an inclusion in Street Fighter, it's novel, but as a video game? It's grindy, clunky, and poorly designed in my opinion. As a filler mode? Sure, it's fine. On it's own? Maybe a 5/10 game. Streetmue isn't revolutionary.

I could only be bothered to unlock the extra content and it was a dang chore.

I'm still glad it's there, because the battle hub is amazing, and the freak fest contributes heavily to that. And I'm glad other people are finding fun in it. It's clearly good that more people are finding ways to enjoy Street Fighter.

But what really surprised me about World Tour is how it teaches you to be better at fighting games.

As someone familiar with the basics, I did not feel this at all. I think putting 30 hours into WT just held me back from actually learning how to play Street Fighter 6. You spend a lot of the game with an incomplete toolset, which just teaches you bad habits, and prevents you from practicing things that will actually be viable later on.

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I'm in 29 but picked 1-3 because those are how many I pay attention to.

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I'm 43 and I've definitely noticed a decline in my vision, but not one that's really impacted my gaming. I'm still pretty good at Apex and I can at least hold on my own in fighters still, but I do believe that a lot of that is simply the amount of time I waste playing those games. When's the last time you had your vision checked?

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MK and assist, huh? I thought the trailer was sorta goofy in a non-typical MK way, but now I'm paying attention.

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It was set to be premium content, right? If so.. probably not. Overwatch PVP is the best it's been in a long time, so I think they got plenty of mileage out of the marketing. Which is all this is. Same with Counter Strike 2. This all makes sense if it brings new players in, and it does.

The idea that they had no intention of developing this to completion is wild to me. There's no way they wasted this much time and money just to sneak one over on us.

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I'm not terribly interested in companion devices. I would love to see a new Sony portable console, but I understand why they may take this route instead too. Even though people largely consider the Vita a failure, it had a pretty good run and delivered a sizable and compelling library. Is it possible there will be "local" experiences developed for this platform?

@lab392 said:

Unfortunately, if the rumor is true, it just sounds like Sony trying to play catch-up with Nintendo in the handheld market again. But unlike the PSP, which was significantly more powerful than what Nintendo was offering, this just sounds like a much worse Switch.

The current era of big, clunky portable gaming (switch, steam deck, and now maybe this) has no appeal to me whatsoever. I'd be more interested if they put more resources behind their mobile game development to make unique, interesting games distinct from what's on consoles.

Sounds more like them trying to capitalize on the streaming market that everyone else is trying to make happen. Like the Logitech G Cloud but potentially good?

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In college I got an A in a course I never attended and forgot to withdraw from in time. Never met the instructor. I was freaking out a little after I received my grades, so I went directly to my advisor. He told me he wouldn't tell anyone if I didn't and not to worry about it. I think he was just scared of the paperwork.

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#10  Edited By Bogard

@bigsocrates: Just look at their player numbers on Steam. The disparity between something like a Paladins and an Apex is gargantuan. And only represents a fraction of one's player base. I suspect this is a combination of Epic being less willing to sink resources into struggling games in combination with really dire player numbers.

"50 million players" doesn't really translate to engagement. Technically I count in that number and I played like one round of Paladins 5 years ago. I don't think every online game needs to be Apex or Destiny (or Fortnite) to succeed, but they do need an engaged audience.

Id is still supporting Quake Champions five years later with only hundreds of daily players. If they ever make a new Quake and somehow expect it to pull Apex numbers they'd be delusional.