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  • blorphman posted a message in the forum topic How do we deal with the inherent sexism and misogyny of gamers online?. on the Off-Topic board

    All you can do is call out the bullshit when you see it. Be a man and speak up, but you won't fix or change anybody's behavior online as long as there is still anonymity to hide behind. Stand up for ...

  • blorphman posted a message in the forum topic What are the most underrated games from the 2010s decade?. on the General Discussion board

    @symbyosys: mad max was such a sleeper for me for a while. Loved it once I got into. Highly recommended also

  • blorphman posted a message in the forum topic Introducing myself. on the General Discussion board

    @sasquatchdoobie: It's obviously so cold in Minnesota that proof-reading takes a hit

  • blorphman posted a message in the forum topic So...what's up with this game?. on the Atomic Heart board

    @broshmosh: no beef at all and I appreciate your response. Apologies if my post sounded combative or trying to squash discussion. Simply tried to be succinct.But yeah, I think we mostly agree and are ...

  • blorphman posted a message in the forum topic So...what's up with this game?. on the Atomic Heart board

    @broshmosh: OP brought up the devs not outright condemning the ongoing conflict in Europe as a concern on his end as a consumer.The current landscape of consumers believing corporations need to align ...

  • blorphman posted a message in the forum topic So...what's up with this game?. on the Atomic Heart board

    @anchorsahoy: My two cents for what it's worth. Clearly you are putting in the work to try and make an informed decision as a consumer about where to put your money. Definitely, there is some weirdnes...