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Oh my God... this download for the DLC is only a few KBs... this must mean...

We've all seen it (or at least people complaining about it). Company X announces a few extra levels or some new challenge levels to download for a measley 5$-10$-15$. You pay the price and download it, only to find that it appears to be an unlock, it's way to small of a download for it NOT to be on the disc. 
Wrong (maybe).
Pre-included DLC isn't the worst thing ever, hell it might not even be all that bad! I'm no game-making man, but I have to imagine that it's not really companies saying "Hey let's fuck with the guy that just spent $60 on our game." I believe DLC on a disc is acceptable in some cases, here are two hypothetical situations where DDLC is ok.

Situation 1

Ted: Hey Bill, I know Space Bug Killer 4 is going to have 12 levels, but wouldn't this level and this level be cool too?
Bill: Yeah, but I don't know if we could get those done in time, you know the big-wigs said it has to be out by Q3.
Ted: Well isn't there anything we can do?
Bill: Sure, put a small team onto making those levels, but don't make them integral to the story, that way we can release them as DLC either on the disc or later, if we don't finish them in time.
Ted: Cool, thanks Bill.
Bill: I've been sleeping with your wife, Ted.

Situation 2

Shawn: Hey, Call of Combat: Modern Duty has a pretty good single player, eh Steve?
Steve: Yeah, but that level where you fight the Russian robots seems kinda... I don't know it doesn't really fit in.
Shawn: But we spent all this money making it!
Steve: Well here's what we'll do, we cut it and we can offer it to the public, via DLC. It's not the best thing we've ever done, but if people really want more of our game we can sell it to them.
Shawn: Ok, sounds like a plan. Hey have you been sleeping with Ted's wife?
Steve: Yeah.
Shawn: Me too. high fives

So what have we learned?

1) Ted's wife is a whore.
2) DLC on the disc isn't all that bad. Sometimes it's just developers with no other options trying to do what's best. Would you rather they released it 3 weeks later and pretend it wasn't already done? And if you don't like it, don't buy it. Vote with your wallet.
(P.S. Does it feel dirty defending multi-million dollar companies? It sure does.)