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AtheistPreacher's comments

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@orange_pork said:

Seems like everybody who listed Monster Hunter put it really high on their lists. Are there any people who think Monster Hunter is alright, but not obsessed with it? Seems like everyone is either completely uninterested or a total nerd bordering on unhealthy addict like myself.

Yeah, I put it at #1 myself. My other top 4? The same top 4 shown in the weighted poll (although the order is wrong, I put MGSV at #5). Happy to see Bloodborne recognized here since it was not in the GB Staff top 10... I think there's probably a lot of Souls/MH crossover fans, as they both focus on deep but deliberately paced combat. But I put more hours into MH4U than those other four combined (more than 500 hours, go team lance).

Oh, and as long as I'm here: Fallout 4 is way overrated. I'm very much with Jeff in thinking it one of the most disappointing games of the year.

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Jason's list is the only one that includes all of my own top 5 in it somewhere. In fact, if he had bumped Bloodborne up two spots, our top five games would have been identical (although not their order). Aside from the fact that I'm not much for fighting games, I think we must have very similar tastes. Most notably for Monster Hunter, which was my personal game of the year with over 500 hours played. He needs to evangelize harder with the rest of the staff!

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Are you and Jason the only sane ones on staff (i.e., the only ones who like Monster Hunter)?