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Internet man with questionable sense of priorities

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Legitimately the worst game I've played this year? Probably Mars: War Logs

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Octopath would probably be a *better* game, straight up, if it compromised on its structure and actually assumed you had all the characters during story moments. I respect the ambition of what they're going for, but like Bravely Default it feels like every throwback RPG that Square produces never fully nails what it's trying to go for.

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If there is ever a wheel of dubious 3D platformers this basically has to be my centerpiece in the same way Daikatana was for my FPS shenanigans. One day when I get this game for free (and to be clear, PS+, GamePass, or malicious gifting are absolutely my limit in this case) it will be streamed.

I’ve seen the Austin Eruption video and it’s genuinely fascinating how something like this gets made and gets the marketing push that it did. Not to just endlessly dunk on Square, but like, did Yuji Naka have dirt on someone there? How did no one look at this and say “this should not be shipped?” I mean I guess you can look at the way Left Alive, The Quiet Man, and this all were put out and maybe assume some things about how Square manages stuff but still. This is classic kusoge in the making right here.

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I got around to finishing Singularity with a final time of 5 1/2 hours and I think I'm generally positive on the whole thing. If nothing else, its very messy, cobbled-together state means it's never not moving. It doesn't quite matter that no part of it is exemplary or super memorable because the shooting feels good and it never lingers on any one sequence too long. Admittedly, you can definitely tell whatever game Raven wanted to make probably had a lot more going on, but for something I paid like $5 I cannot complain. I spent more time playing Hunted the Demon's Forge and I *still* haven't finished it.

It's probably the best "meat and potatoes" game I've played for this feature thus far, but I'd still call it dubious. Maybe not the one I'd recommend others seek out (C&C Renegade is weird and novel, Turok 3 is stupidly ambitious, and Daikatana is a notable disaster) but absolutely another example of why a studio of Raven's pedigree deserved better than to be "The Warzone Team."

@sethmode said:

I freaking love Singularity. Also, can't believe I actually finished DNF. All I remember about that game is the objectively horrific beginning with the girl gagging on Duke's dick which is a sentence I wish that I had never written.

...yeah that sure is how that game starts, huh. like actually kind of absurd how long it takes for you to actually engage in shooting in DNF

@glots said:

I finally rebought Singularity from a Steam sale earlier this year (having first played it at launch on a PS3) and my feelings are pretty similar. Really hated the lack of subtitles.

Reading these posts almost makes me want to pull out my PS3 to play Resistance 3. Not that it was dubious, but just a shooter from a decade ago that I’d like to replay.

If I did want dubious, I’d go for Gunman Chronicles or Will Rock.

I believe @justin258 played Resistance 3 fairly recently and still enjoyed it. Like a lot of late-model 360/PS3 games, it's probably not gonna *run* super well, but hey that's what emulation is for.

Resistance 2 might be a future Dubious pick though, and I thank you for your recommendations. I've never even heard of Gunman Chronicles! It looks bad!

@shindig said:

You know what could've made Duke Nukem Forever an okay product? Developer commentary.

Would absolutely kill for a Valve-style commentary for DNF where it's just George Broussard going "so you see, the joke is that Duke is a really cool guy, and he doesn't need Halo power armor. So of course the line was going to be about how Power Armor is for Pussies, because that's what Duke would say"

@rorie said:

I remember liking Singularity. I suspect it was the inspiration for that Titanfall time-travel level, which is all it needs to be to be remembered fondly!

That's probably a good point. I think Titanfall 2 (and Dishonored 2's time shenanigans level) probably do that stuff better than all of Singularity, but I could see it being an influence!

@apewins: If the game gets canceled the studio either gets disbanded or becomes a support studio anyway. They had major layoffs related to the delay in Singularity so it getting canceled could have been the death knell.

Activision under Bobby Kotick has always operated in this way. Look at Neversoft. They create the massive hit Tony Hawk franchise, take over Guitar Hero and run it into the ground because Activision is releasing multiple games a year, and then get made a COD support studio and get disbanded.

Or Vicarious Visions. They pump out a bunch of Skylanders, make two very highly regarded remakes of classic games, now a Blizzard support studio.

Activision only cares about massive multi-game franchises, preferably loaded with microtransactions on an annual release schedule.

There's no room for a company like the old Raven there. At least the remaining devs didn't lose their jobs and those who didn't want to create Call of Duty maps until that thing eventually falls apart were presumably able to move to different jobs somewhere else.

Don't really have anything to add other than "I agree with you" and "They should work out whatever legal issues Activision has with id so that Heretic 2 can get re-released." That game is in third person!

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I continue to emphasize that the Amico is the video game console for your extremely Christian neighbors who homeschool their kids. And like, maybe the people who got suckered by the Ouya’s weird appeal to retro simplicity but didn’t learn their lesson.

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@imunbeatable80: "People are saying this game I have fond memories of isn't good. Time to play it and destroy those positive attachments!"

The game still has defenders even in the modern era, but it's relevant that your fond memories are not of awesome levels or great characters but of the flashy comic book panel effect, which was, in fact, quite flashy and cool at the time. It had a ton of style.

On the other hand it has very few checkpoints in a game with instant fail stealth sections (oops) and there's nothing that really differentiates the shooting. It's kind of dull and plodding. But it was 2003 so what else were you going to play? Halo for the 1000th time? Red Faction 2? Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter?

You weren't going to play Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter, you liar! Why are you on this message board threatening to play Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter?

We're trying to have a civil conversation about early 6th gen FPS games and you're all up in here talking big about playing Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter. Unbelievable.

You do realize that saying the words "Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter" out loud means I'm legally required to at least consider it if I were to do another season of FPS games. I don't even know what that is and it SOUNDS stupid. I think I'm increasingly doubling down on the thing I said after roughly 20 minutes of Red Faction II, which was "boy it sure did take a long time for shooters, especially ones on console, to catch up to the legacies of Half Life and Halo." Just increasingly convinced that I could make an entire wheel of nothing but questionable PS2/Gamecube/Xbox FPSes. Now someone please pay me enough money to purchase a copy of 007 Agent Under Fire (do not do this, it turns out secondhand copies of that game are INCREDIBLY CHEAP. Almost as if they're not valuable.)

You are right that the competition for dubious RPGs (at least not if I keep to my "no indies" rule) is significantly harder in this modern era than shooters, although I also think there's a certain... monotony to a lot of weird, questionable, or obscure shooter design. Necromunda is probably something I should've covered, given how much of a fucking weird eurojank platypus it is (And how genuinely excellent its art direction is) but I think once we get into the Xbox 360 era it's a whole lot of incredibly depressing Call of Duty imitators. Still a non-zero chance of me playing Haze one day though. I'm to understand that it's the shit.

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My friend and I will be kickstarting the GB Discord's relay marathon this Friday, Nov 19th, at 9AM PST. Come watch us play Hunted: The Demon's Forge! It's going to be a bad time! I had to set up a thing on Hamachi to make it work! I had to fuck around with IPv6 settings for the video game to recognize our fake LAN connection! It's like Gears of War, but Fantasy and Bad! Lucy Lawless is in it?

I assume the other folks participating will be playing better games, but if you want eight hours of pure unadulterated 2011 video game, why not tune in?

GB Discord's twitch (might also just be hosting on my channel)

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