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@ntm said:

@apax: That could be cool. I don't know much about the movie (I've only seen images and read snippets of info on it), but visually it could look really good. It seems like a made for HDR movie.

I managed to see it at the cinema and oh boy, was it an extravaganza. The movie has literally millions of small, tasteful visual "quirks" all over it. Sound words tracing the source of the sound. Tiny dots and dashes punctuating a movement. "Dirt" on the paper when the frame would be otherwise just a tad too boring. It might really be next level stuff when edited for HDR / 4k. I cannot recommend this one enough.

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Never seen one but I guess I'd love to see Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse in 4k if the occasion arises.

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For the first time in years I'm actually holding myself responsible for finishing games (provided they are better-than-average) and, therefore, I'm super lagged behind basically everything on the market right now.

So no, not really. I think I'll just skip the parts when the team tries to bring up a game I care about and not yet have finished. I just hope that this approach will leave me with anything to listen to lol

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Oooh man, you stroke a chord with me here. I'm not considering myself any kind of anime specialist but I do love them from time to time. And they have been an important part of my childhood, all right.

So: openings first. A part of me wants to go with the classics: Trigun, Gundam Wing, Escaflowne, DBZ. The biggest impact on my life had listening to the Cowboy Bebop's intro though. It literally introduced me to jazz. And jazz is more than 50% of the music I listen to these days. So yeah, that was huge. And will forever remain so, I suppose.

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But let's not dwell on the past for too long. If we're considering newer titles then I'm deeply in love with the sheer power (and absurdity) of the intro to Food Wars. Like, for real. It's something else, guys.

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I wish I had more time now so I would also remember some cool endings I've liked throughout the years but I have to scatter now so maybe later. Great thread tho!