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    New Super Mario Bros. 2

    Game » consists of 10 releases. Released Jul 28, 2012

    The New Super Mario series continues on the 3DS in this new installment, which puts the focus on collecting as many coins as possible.

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    Average score of 10 user reviews

    An OK Game, But Short 0

    If you have played any of the other New Super Mario Brothers games, then this is pretty familiar territory for you, not much has changed really from any previous iterations you might have played previously.You go through the few paltry worlds given to you, collect coins and star coins, beat a world, rise wash and repeat. While the gameplay is about as fun as a side scrolling platformer can be, the game is altogether too short. It didn't take me long to burn through all of the worlds and I fou...

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    Did you play New Super Mario Bros Wii? 0

    Another Nintendo platform and another game for their famous mascot. It isn’t hard to see the formula at work here and why should it be? It has only been the exact formula that has allowed Nintendo to still maintain relevance all these years later. Upon the launch of the 3DS Nintendo has released a slew of Mario themed games for it. New Super Mario Bros. 2 is just another in that list. The difference is that I happen to have a copy of it so I can provide you with my thoughts on it. In case you mi...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Mario desperately needs difficulty settings 0

    I hesitated at first to buy a new Nintendo 3DS. First because it was obvious Nintendo was rushing with the product and another version, 30 times better in every aspect would eventually come out in say, a year? I wasn't really in a hurry. Second because it never really felt like a new console, it seemed a slightly better DSi with useless glasses-less 3D. Now I see I was partially wrong, Nintendo did what they've been doing since ever with portables, releasing better versions in no time; but the ...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.


    I could spend the next 700 or so words taking you through how to play a Super Mario Bros game. Rattling on about jump distances, power ups and secret areas. Thing is, everybody has played one. Almost every generation of gamer has begun their journey finding out that the princess was in another castle all along. In fact, they mostly play the same. Traverse the level’s obstacles, grab some mushrooms and fire flowers, stumble upon a secret, collect some coins, jump to a flagpole.When you go b...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    New Super Mario Bros. 2 Review 0

    In 2006 Nintendo released New Super Mario Bros., the first side-scrolling platformer starring Mario since the Game Boy’s Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins. At the time New Super Mario Bros. was an exciting nostalgia trip, evoking fond memories while still managing to feel fresh and new. Now just six years later, Nintendo has sent Mario into outer space (twice) and put him in 3D. In the process they have pushed the conventions of platform level design in new and exciting directions. With the lev...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    i give super mario bros. 2 a 4/5... very good.:D 0

    I gave super Mario bros. 2 a 4/5 because it was a very adventurous and exciting game. But I think that it could have had a few more new qualities that were different from the first ds game super Mario bros. I thought that the flying was cool, but i thought that you should fly longer. Also I think that the golden flower should be used more than it is. The game was fun but the boss levels were cool nothing like they have ever done before. I absolutely love the coin head where you get coins when yo...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

    Classic Mario gameplay with a unique "coiny" twist. 0

    Collecting coins is certainly nothing new in the Mario games. I've been doing that long enough to know every 100th coin you get hands you an extra life. New Super Mario Bros.2 , however, is the latest entry in the renowned Nintendo franchise that extends this parliamentary gameplay boon to entirely new heights. While it isn't without its blemishes, NSMB2 is a fine addition to the Mario family and a great romp for 3DS owners looking for classic Mario thrills on the go.Once again, Princess Peach h...

    1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

    New Super Mario Bros 2 Review 0

    Note: Watch the video review here: Super Mario Bros. 2 ReviewNew Super Mario Bros. 2 for the 3DS does a bunch of things right. In fact there isn't really much of anything particularly wrong with the game. But that doesn't exactly mean it does anything spectacular. Which really is my main complaint with New Super Mario Bros. 2. It plays it too safe to the chest and as a result I ended up being pretty bored throughout my entire ...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    New Super Mario Bros 2 Review 0

    Miyamoto once said that having established characters and franchises such as Mario allow development teams the freedom to effectively create a new IP with each release of a game under the Mario banner. This statement seems odd at first, however closer inspection suggests some truth to the claim. Just think; Super Mario Brothers, Mario 64 and Mario Galaxy share almost nothing in common other than the basic art style and characters.As a result of this, it is more than a little disappointing to fin...

    0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

    Lazy, gimmicky, Nintendo money-snatcher. 0

    Originally written 8-23-12Mario and Luigi decide to go out on a coin hunt. While gone Princess Peach is kidnapped by the Koopa Kids and now the duo embark on another mission to save her.... again. -summaryIn 2004 Nintendo announced that they were going to restore the 2D style of Super Mario back to original form. This pretty much sent long time fans off into a frenzy whom were craving that old school formula of game play, which went AWOL prior to Mario's transition into the 3D world with Super ...

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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