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    Concept »

    An umbrella term for any sexual orientation or gender identity that is not straight.

    Short summary describing this concept.

    LGBT last edited by franzlska on 05/23/24 03:32PM View full history


    The acronym LGBT is used to represent the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community. Essentially, it represents those who are attracted to others of the same gender (whether exclusively or not), as well as those whose gender does not align with what they were assigned at-birth.

    Although fairly uncommon in early video games, LGBT characters and narratives have become increasingly present as bigotry against such groups diminishes and LGBT developers have more of an open presence in the industry. Even still, some may only be implied to be gay, for a variety of reasons. Some characters may even only be stated to be LGBT in external material, such as direct developer statements, though this has at times been a point of contention.

    As well, while video games increasingly broach the subject of LGBT people respectfully, not all portrayals are positive. Some characters are established as LGBT primarily for sexual appeal, such as with the lesbian protagonist of Fear Effect 2, or for the sake of jokes at the character's expense.

    History in Video Games

    Early Examples

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    Video games in the 1980s and 1990s typically lacked LGBT characters. Those that did exist were often solely joke characters, or portrayed via misguided stereotypes. One example of this is Super Mario Bros. 2, wherein Birdo is described as a wishing to be a woman, and preferring to be called Birdetta, despite future Mario titles continuing to use the name Birdo.

    LGBT characters would often be censored or accidentally created in localization to the United States, often due to Nintendo and Sega's then-highly restrictive rules about in-game content. For example, a number of flamboyantly gay characters were removed from Streets of Rage 3 when the game was brought to the US. According to Akira Nishitani, when Final Fight was brought overseas, Capcom altered the backstories for Roxy and Poison to make them transgender women, fearing backlash for letting players beat up (cisgender) women.

    Despite these missteps, a number of early video games did feature positive portrayals of LGBT characters, especially games released on non-console platforms where major publishers held less control over in-game content. As far back as 1989, LGBT developers created games such as Caper in the Castro and GayBlade. Both games featured themes and locations directly influenced by the LGBT community, such as gay protagonists, settings based on real-life LGBT communities, and homophobic antagonists, from a mysterious figure poisoning a gay community to real-life conservative politicians.

    Since the 2000s

    Since around the early 2000s, the gaming industry has slowly started to become more favorable towards LGBT presence in video games. LGBT characters have been given increasingly noteworthy roles in major releases, such as in the Last of Us series and the Dragon Age franchise. This increased prominence is especially notable in indie development, wherein LGBT developers have become increasingly common, sometimes directly developing games about their experiences with being LGBT.

    A common occurrence in modern titles is for romance options be available regardless of the player character's gender (sometimes referred to as "playersexual".) Featured in RPGs such as Mass Effect, the playersexual method has seen a widely positive response, but has also received some criticism for often making it entirely player choice as to whether characters are openly gay or not.

    Additionally, many character creation systems have begun to include gender-neutral options or outright remove gender-locked traits, to more readily accommodate transgender and nonbinary players. Some games also allow the player to choose what pronouns the player character should be referred to by.

    As internet-enabled games have become more common, so too has developers supporting LGBT communities in their games. Many online games feature pride flag cosmetics, or highlight their game's LGBT players. However, some also frequently struggle to accommodate LGBT players, often censoring words such as "gay" and "lesbian" in attempts to prevent in-game harassment, making such topics difficult to discuss in-game.


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