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    Hijikata Toshizo

    Character » appears in 1 games

    The famed demon vice-captain of the Shisengumi. Hijikata enacts the infamous brutal methods of the Shisengumi to keep the peace.

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    Hijikata is the second in command of the Shisengumi, and the one who is responsible for its feared reputation among the citizens of Kyoto. In truth, Hijikata's mission isn't to serve the shogunate, so much as it is his will to enforce peace, no matter who calls the shots. Order is absolute for Hijikata, anything like treason or desertion will be met with death. In his mind, peace cannot be achieved without shedding some blood, which doesn't sit right with Ryoma. Despite how feared he is among the public, he is greatly respected by his men. He respects skill above all else, which is the main reason for hiring Ryoma as Captain of the recently vacant third unit.


    • His mannerisms and role in the Shisengumi is the spitting reflection of his main series counterpart Yoshitaka Mine from Yakuza 3.

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