your thoughts on "affirmative action".

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#101  Edited By SeriouslyNow
@tunaburn said:
" @SeriouslyNow:  you didnt eat anything! noone alive in your family has eaten it as you say. noone in the past 3 generations have done anything to hold the black community back and yet were getting screwed for something that happened to your great grandfather. pretty damn lame.  p.s. my family are jewish. i was born in germany. my great grandmother died in the camps during world war 2. us jews have had a tougher time recently than the other minorities around. but because my skins this color im classified as just another white guy whos family probably owned slaves or something. affirmative action is ridiculous and needs to go. "
1.  Another person who claims to know the experience, but doesn't.  There are many white american racists who treat minorities with disdain and many who still mistreat minorities in the workforce, despite the laws which should prevent that from happening.
2. As a result of  your grandmother's suffering and many like her and the tireless work of Golda Mier your people got control of Israel again.  A country your people could call your own, a proper Jewish State.  This was measure of racist imbalance that was rebalanced.  It's not perfect by any means and its rise displaced the Palestinians which has had many awful knock on effects for decades but it does go some way to adressing the awful treatment of your people under the Pogroms of Poland and the Nazi Party of Germany as well as the trials at Nuremberg goes some of that way too.  Neither positive experience manages to completely erase the pain and suffering of your people whose families are irrevocably damaged (whole european generations lost to the Nazi death camps and slaughters in the shtetls) but both the Nazi War Crimes Trials and the rise of Israel as a Jewish State have certainly helped to heal some of those wounds of the past, yet still as recently as The 1972 Munich Olympic games were innocent Jewish people murdered for their faith by supporters of the PLO.  This world is far from perfect and as you help one person you probably hurt another and so it will continue until racism is ended. 
3.  There is no worse or better racism.  There is just racism.  To claim that your people have suffered more is to not understand the Black or Native American experience where whole generations were either enslaved and/or genocided for the benefit of the white American people but more importantly it insults all people who suffer as a result of racism because it says that the people who suffer the most (by some measure of value judgement; deaths, loss of income or some other equally offensive statistic) should be treated best and those who have suffered less should get less effective treatment.  There is no real and proper effective treatment of racism other than abolishing it altogether and that requires years of education so that future generations may learn from the mistakes and poor choices which have been made those in previous generations.
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#102  Edited By ryanwho

Hahah, so entitled. 

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#103  Edited By SeriouslyNow
@ryanwho said:
" Hahah, so entitled.  "
Hahah, so entirely predictable.  Hey there, Mr Devil's Advocate/Contrarian/ResidentRightWingRepresentative.
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#104  Edited By ryanwho

Wow what a victim.

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#105  Edited By SeriouslyNow
@ryanwho said:
" Wow what a victim. "
Wow what a crushing bore.
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#106  Edited By ryanwho

You take so long to say so little.

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#107  Edited By tunaburn
@SeriouslyNow:  most of your points just help my argument about why affirmative action should be gone. there is no good racism you say, except the racism against white people caused by affirmative action it seems. reverse racism is still racism. two wrongs dont make a right.
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#108  Edited By YoThatLimp
@JasonDaPsycho said:
" Affirmative action isn't "the problem", but rather a bad idea of hiding of "the actual problem". 
It's like burying your head in the sand, believing that if you can't see the predators then they won't see you as well.
The fact is the problem is with the wealth gap rather than the issue of "Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Asians and etc.".
Many of what you consider "minorities" are living in bad conditions, which is tough, but not impossible to get out of.
Then you think about how much of a joke of the education system is. Let's face it, compare qualities of schools in Compton and the suburbs. I believe there is a MAJOR difference between them.
After that, throw in how many of them belive that there is no other way to survive other than dealing drugs, play sports or rap.  (Go watch Freedom Writers))

And then some of the parents aren't even all that responsible themselves? ( 2pac - Brenda's Got A Baby) It's just a form of bad cycle.  No matter how, the education system, which had always been f---ed up with teachers getting paid just to show up and leave, needs to improve. Then as the younger generation becomes smarter, the effects of the bad cycle can be minimized I don't care. But the education system is the problem. Corporates look at profits, not the race of their employees. I believe if the "minorities" and the others have the same start, they will end up in the same place. "
Very well written dude. 
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#109  Edited By RichardLOlson
@BulletPulse said:
" Batman said:
"I think it is unnecessary.  Everybody is viewed equally now.  The best man should get the job.
Agreed. "
Agreed....that is something that everyone should follow when hiring for a job.
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#110  Edited By AlwaysAngry


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#111  Edited By jinxman
@SeriouslyNow: Again with the calling me a racist.  The sheer hypocrisy of your arguments is disgusting.  Please explain to me how giving preference to other races over another one is not racist, because I'd really like to know.  Even if I bought all your other bullshit entitlement arguments, that's one that you still haven't addressed.  When you pick someone for a job solely based on their race, and then deny someone else the job, solely based on their race, meaning race is the only issue at hand, how is that not being racist?   
And you do realize that there are significantly more white people than black people in this country right?  So the fact that there are more white land owners than black ones, makes a lot of sense.