What are your top 10 Favorite movies of all time?

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1. Pee Wee's Big Adventure

2. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift

3. Mad Max Fury Road

4. The Lion King

5. Run Lola, Run

6. Toy Story

7. The Graduate

8. The Substitute

9. 21 Jump Street

10. Whale Rider

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Forgive me I was bored at work and saw this thread, anyways..

Best general 10 movies in no order to me:

Jurassic Park

Schindler's List




The Edge


Count of Monte Cristo


Forrest Gump

Best 10 movies with replay value:

Step Brothers



Just Friends

Pulp Fiction

Jackie Brown


Inglourious Basterds

Fifth Element

Bad Teacher

Best 10 semi-scary movies:

Conjuring 1

Conjuring 2



Deliver us from evil

The Rite

IT : 2017

The Relic

Descent 1

Descent 2

Best 10 Creature Features:


Black Waters



Ghost and the Darkness


Jurassic Park




Best 10 dumb movies that I like:


Just Friends

Hot Shots

Scary Movie 1

Scary Movie 2


Haunted House 1

Ace Ventura 2

Dumb and Dumber 1


Best 10 movies that I enjoyed as a 90's kid:

Major Payne


Little Giants


Jurassic Park


Mac and Me

Ninja Turtles: Secret of the Ooze


Drop dead Fred

Best 10 Marvel/DC Movies:

Blade 3


Dark Knight

Wonder Woman

Justice League

Avengers 1

Guardians of the Galaxy 1

Hulk 1

Spiderman 2


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Man. I know I'll overlook something, but I'll give it a shot.

The Empire Strikes Back (and all of Star Wars)



The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Dr. Stangelove


The Big Lebowski

The Thing

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Mad Max Fury Road

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I like lists. I have a lot of lists saved in my docs. This is what the most recent list of my favorite movies says:

  1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  2. Pulp Fiction
  3. Her
  4. Boyhood
  5. Moonlight
  6. Adaptation
  7. Frances Ha
  8. Irreversible
  9. Ghostbusters
  10. Memento
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#305  Edited By acertaindeath

I have a better list at home on my machine but this is what I could come up with 10 minutes before class:

1. Brazil
2. Children of Men
3. Alien/Aliens (I refuse to choose)
4. Rear Window
5. Se7en
6. The Thing
7. L.A. Confidential
8. Big Trouble In Little China
9. High Fidelity and/or Grosse Pointe Blank
10. Young Frankenstein

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There's no such thing as a top 10...my mind can't handle it. Here's a stab at buying into this fiction:

1. Godfather 2

2. Godfather

3. The Good the Bad and the Ugly

4. Scarface

5. Alien

6. Heat

7. Mad Max Fury Road

8. Mulholland Drive

9. Jacob's Ladder

10. Pan's Labyrinth

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Cant Possibly actually order them, and bear in mind that I'm aware that some of these are objectively actually terrible, but its my damn list. SOmetimes its the time you saw a movie, sometimes its the memories, and sometimes its just cause its a good flik.


Young Guns

Terminator 2

Dark City

L.A. Confidential (almost typed Noire there)

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Forest Gump

Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

The Program

Erik the Viking

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When I was a little girl I really liked Home Alone and Homeward Bound.

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I think I only have a top 5.

1. The Dark Knight

2. Empire Strikes Back

3. Kill Bill


.....nevermind, I only have a top 3

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#311  Edited By irish66

Hello. I came to this site because i was posting my favourite movies on Letterbox, and wanted to see if there were any I* had forgotten. There were. I have many favourite movies. I must admit I haven't watched any of them in a long times/ That's basically because of the internet, broadband and the chance to watch movies that I want to see. I've gone through the 7 pages of this forum, and decided to list 10 movies which

I haven't seen mentioned. That is except for the first one because if I had to pick just one. it would be

La Confidiental.

So here some of my favourite movies. I don't necessarily think all these are great movies. There are movies i think are great, but are not favourites. eg Citizen Kane.

I will be naming more than 10. Shoot me.

These are in no particular order.

The Face of Fu Manchu

Cannon for Cordoba

Daddy's gone a hunting

Tati (Mr Hulot's holiday, mon oncle, jour da fete)

Marx Brothers. (all the paramount features except probably the Coconauts)

other studios. opera/races/big store/casablanca

A nous La liberte.

Across the great divide

Way out West

Abbot and Costello meet Frankenstein.

The latest addition. was Yellowbeard.

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#312  Edited By haunted

10. Raiders of the Lost Ark

9. The Godfather Part II

8. The Prince of Egypt

7. Guardians of the Galaxy

6. Army of Darkness

5. Clerks

4. Rocky

3. The Raid: Redpemtion

2. Porco Rosso

1. Saving Private Ryan

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1. Fellowship of the Ring

2. Return of the King

3. The Two Towers

4. Pulp Fiction

The rest I struggle to put into an ordered list.

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10. Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots

9. Thor Ragnarok

8. The Fifth Element

7. The Rock

6. Empire Strikes Back

5. Princess Mononoke

4. Castle in the sky

3. Wrath of Khan

2. Scarface

1. Blade Runner

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Top 10 movies of all time…

(no particular order)

• Goonies

• Blues Brothers

• High Fidelity

• Die Hard

• Batman Returns

• The Beach

• Highlander

• Basic Instinct

• Weekender

• 24 Hour Party People

• Wild Card - White Christmas

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#319  Edited By chrisjay2001

Looking at a lot of the answers in this thread, Im not surprised that so many people cannot narrow this down to just 10 movies. This is such a hard question to answer, but you have to have these arguments within yourself. You cannot say these are the top ten from when I was a kid or its this film OR that film as one choice or these are the top ten films i liked in my 20's etc etc!!!

This is why this question is so great, I also ask people this question of music too. I always say to my friends and colleagues "Can you name your top 20 songs of all time": not your best clubbing tunes, gutted tunes or most memorable music choices - YOUR ALL TIME TOP 20 TUNES!!!!. It creates that debate within yourself, you argue is this one better than that one!!! and what are the reasons that this means so much that I rate it over that. It creates a dilemma within yourself that takes its time but when finalised become so satisfying !!!! Usually I will then create a CD and artwork for them to showcase their selection which cements it even further into their memory.

So come you guys, for all those people that could NOT present only 10 movies, look again, have the internal debate, enjoy the argument within yourself, question the pros and cons of each of your choices and THEN and only THEN put your finallised (as Ross from Friends would no doubt do ... "LAMINATED") selection up for people to view, enjoy, question, debate, agree or disagree. Thats the beauty of this question! (even I had to throw a wild card in there so Im not perfect!!!!!)

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1. Jurassic Park

I love nothing more than dinosaurs. I also prefer serious scifi and tension to the ever more ridiculous sequels.

2. Empire Strikes Back

Excellent world building, character building, and the most iconic twist of all time.

3. Big Fish

I find myself borrowing from this funny and sweet story, telling similarly exaggerated tales for amusement.

4. Ghostbusters

As with some other entries here, sequels that fall short of the bar really highlight the greatness of this first entry. It's a bizarre concept, buoyed by comedians at the peak of their powers.

5. Kingdom of Heaven (extended cut)

I'm a sucker for historical epics, most of which aren't really that great. The concepts in the movie lift it up above the admittedly plain acting from some main characters.

6. Inside Out

The movie has something for everyone, from childish flourishes to deeper nods towards psychology. Also, "it's ok to be sad sometimes" is a lesson for audience of all ages.

7. Toy Story 3

It hit pretty hard, as I was just aging out of the toys zone at the time.

8. Space Jam

MJ and Bugs. I still unironically love the soundtrack as well. I also love it fits into the "lore" of why MJ came back.

9. 12 Angry Men

Got to this old movie only recently. Confined to one room, basically relying on nothing but writing and acting.

10. The Nightmare Before Christmas

I love rhyming. Love the looks. Also enjoyed it's a dig at Christmas prep extending way too far ahead in the calendar.

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#321  Edited By TheChris

1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

2. The Big Lebowski

3. Fight Club

4. Snatch

5. Moon

6. Lost in Translation

7. Monty Python & The Holy Grail

8. Pulp Ficiton

9. The Dark Knight

10. American Psycho

I'm not even sure if these are my top 10, some of them definitely are though, but there are a lot of movies I love just as much. But I'll go with these.

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My Top Ten:

  1. Ghostbusters (1984)
  2. Forrest Gump (1994)
  3. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
  4. The Godfather Part I (1972)
  5. Batman (1989)
  6. Robin Hood: Men In Tights (1993)
  7. The Martian (2015)
  8. The Matrix (1999)
  9. Total Recall (1990)
  10. Problem Child 2 (1991)
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@danieljw said:

5 I can think of off the top of my head:

Rear Window

Moulin Rouge

Pulp Fiction


Slumdog Millionare

This is a quality list.

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1, Blade Runner

2. Back to the Future

3. Alien

4. Akira

5. Raiders of the Lost Ark

6. Metropolis

7. High and Low

8. The Godfather

9. 2001: A Space Odyssey

10. Lost in Translation

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They're all anime.

I'm not a Hollywood person.

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@francium34: 12 Angry Men is an excellent classic.

If you’re into the whole “just get by on pure acting” thing, Locke is a recent film that does a great job of turning Tom Hardy in a car into a compelling film.

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Okay so I have decided not to actually read this topic so I could formulate my own list and see how it compares... this is in no particular order.

La La Land - I have seen this movie probably 10 times since it has come out. My first solo mushroom trip I watched this movie. I absolutely adore this film. To let you know how much I love this film... I actually had the soundtrack playing before I even noticed this topic. What completely sold me on the movie... I can remember... it was an article by some movie website wherein Tom Hanks gushed about the movie at Cannes or Sundance. Then I saw a trailer and learned that Ryan Gosling is actually playing the piano in this movie and there is no double... and then I found out that the iconic scene where in he plays the main song he nailed on the first take. It was just amazing.

The Big Lebowski- I am aware how cliche this choice is but I just absolutely love the banter in this film... anything in this film that isn't expository dialogue or progressing the plot is absolutely genius. It is one of the few movies I can recite every line to.

Brazil - I got into this film because I had just seen the Usual Suspects and wanted a movie with a twist ending. I asked a question on a random forum and this was the biggest suggestion. Not only did this movie deliver a twist ending but it did so in the most terrifying way I could ever imagine. I am a hardcore lucid dreamer and this movie toys with dreams as one of the main themes of the film... so it resonated with me on a deeply personal level. But what is absolutely amazing about this film is the world it is set in. It is this weird dystopian future like world that feels absolutely alive. And while the movie came out in the 80's some concepts are incredibly relevant today.... but I won't spoil it.

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen- I absolutely adored Brazil... which I had pirated. In Netflix I typed in the director of Brazil, Terry Gilliam, and they had this odd film. The most surreal thing about this film, for me, is I saw it the first time with a friend the day before Robin Williams dies. I remember when watching it with my friend we were both taken by surprise that not only is Robin Williams in this film but he plays an over the top God very similar to his role as Genie in Aladdin.

My absolutely favorite part of this film is one particular line. There is this one scene in the film where it gets incredibly abstract... I remember hearing my friend sigh under his breath and then Baron Munchausen says "This is PRECISELY the type of thing nobody believes." And just the timing of it... my friend and I lost our selves laughing. I have gone on to watch it many times since and I actually use a still from this film as my cover photo on social media... the scene where Venus is introduced.... and she's standing on a giant clam with the angles flying out of frame whilst dropping banners... I got chills. Then it slowly pans up to this nude woman with long hair who was just absolutely beautiful. I was taken aback by how great she looked. It was Uma Thurman. I knew she was in the film because of the opening credits but I had figured she was the little girl who is the main character... but I was wrong in the most spectacular way. She plays the God venus and is introduced in the nude. She was 17 when the movie was shot so it isn't completely creepy. I wish I could describe how I felt at that particular scene.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail - I was late to this movie. As I type this I am 31, going on 32 and I 'discovered' the Monty Python films at 27. In fact I watched this film with my friend who also was green to the film. I knew about this film growing up but I sort of stayed away because I used to be a hipster douche that hated things popular and once I got out of high school it became incredibly easy to ignore this film. But Brazil had sold me on Gilliam.

That bit at the beginning with the swallow was perhaps the funniest bit I have ever seen but the hardest I laughed was at this one particular line that was just perfect: "Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?" which was delivered perfectly after a scene illustrating the silliness of formal logic as outlined by the Greek's. This movie was perfect and it was so awesome to final understand the significance of the Holy Hand Grenade from Worms.

Toy Story 3 - one and two were fine films but 3 absolutely destroyed me emotionally. I was not expecting that ending. I cannot think of an IP out there that ended better than Toy Story... what an absolute joy of a film.

Schindler's List - Another movie that absolutely destroyed me. Ralph Fiennes performance in this film is absolutely chilling. I cannot think of a single movie character that has ever scared me as much as this character and I am including horror films.

Hot Rod - I just love this absolutely silly movie. Just how stupid it is... it feels like they go over the top with stupidity and I love it. The scene where he falls off his bike off a hillside and just keeps falling for like three straight minutes was one of the funniest things I ever seen.

The Other Guys- I feel like this movie gets forgotten about when people speak of what is the best Will Ferrell film and I find that a sin. There are so many funny scenes in this film and the chemistry Wahlberg and Ferrell have works from the hop. Whenever someone in my party of friends inadvertently fires off a shot in a survival game we refer to it as a desk pop... we will say 'aim for the bushes' whenever we storm a place we shouldn't be storming... every squad we run across in PUBG is Dirty Mike and the Boys... this movie. I love it.

Shit... that is 9.

I can't think of another so for my 10th I will just mention a movie everyone seems to love but I absolutely hate.

Fuck Blade Runner

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These are the ones that come to mind instantly, without much thought. It's actually really difficult because there are probably about 50 films that I regularly say are in my top ten. Not the best films ever, but the ones that I hold near and dear.

In no particular order:

Pulp Fiction

Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars

Return of the Jedi

Die Hard

The Fifth Element

Forrest Gump

Toy Story 2

Blade Runner 2049


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In no particular order:

The Shawshank Redemption

Star Wars IV

Hollywood Shuffle

North by Northwest

No Country for Old Men

Spirited Away

Bourne Indentity



Old School

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1. Interstellar:I saw this for the first time when I was deployed to Qatar, high as hell on DXM, in a pitch black dorm the size of a closet on a beat up old tablet. Its the first time I ever hit play again the second credits rolled, and I've since seen it at least ten times. The way they tell a story about love and regret within the trappings of 2001 A Space Odyssey has made me weep both tears of joy and pure despair and I will never love another movie this much ever. His "liftoff" audio playing over him driving away from his daughter is a key moment i cite when people ask me why I got out of the military. Leaving a child blows.

2. Inglorious Basterds:Truly his masterpiece. The music, the perfect mix of comedy and horrific violence, the beautifully scripted conversations and wonderful shots, its a movie I can watch any time, any place.

3. The Drop: Bob Saganowski is my all time favorite hero, a subdued everyman that has his shit together so damn tightly that nobody ever saw it coming. The ending gives me chills every time, and his doggo is just the best.

4.Alien:Man this movie is just a vibe. The 70's ass tech all over that white padded spaceship is where I want to be when I die. I wish I wasn't so afraid to play Alien Isolation, because the idea of existing in the same universe as the Nostromo is an absolute dream. Ripley is the OG badass female lead and I am absolutely terrified and in love with her at the same time. The Xenomorph is metal as fuck and its the best damn Sci Fi movie ever.

5. Lost in Translation: This movie makes me sad, I wish I wasn't predisposed to drinking a bottle of wine and watching this once a quarter but thats just who I am. Their non-relationship so perfectly encapsulates feelings of shame, regret, and love and temptation, and the fact that he never goes through with it just locks it down as an excellent confrontation of the temptation many people in relationships sometimes feel.

6. Begin Again: FUCK A Star is Born, this is the real deal musical romance. I know its a remake, but I didn't care for the original. Knightly and Ruffalo have so much goddamned chemistry, and like Lost in Translation, seeing this relationship develop and become nothing is a painful, tangible pain that ends on such a happy note. Maybe I just have a thing for movies about sad drunk dudes....

7. Kill Bill 1&2: I wish i could exude even one thousandth the pure unadulterated style that this movie does. The Bride is such a badass character, and the damn near videogame ass list of revenge moves the plot along in a way that I definitely don't feel like I'm watching 5 hours worth of movie. The final confrontation being one in a nice house about a little girl and lost love was such a perfect ending to her bloody revenge spree.

8.Blade Runner (both back to back):I was upset to hear that Blade Runner, my favorite film Noir starring maybe a robot was getting a sequel. I had no idea that the sequel would become one of my favorite movies of all time. Gosling carries such a heavy presence on screen, and the world they built around this sad story of belonging is enough to keep my eyes open on repeat viewings of this long sad moody piece.

9. The Departed:There's just something about this movie that gets me fucking going. Shipping off to boston, corny ass Nicholson Irish mob stuff, but a tremendous Leo performance all add up to my favorite gangster movie of all time.

10. Enemy:I'm gonna see that fucking spider one day man

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Patchryan Top 10 Movie List:

10. Kill Bill Vol. 1

9. Big Fish

8. The Man from Earth

7. Mad Max: Fury Road

6. Planet of the Apes

5. Citizen Kane

4. Princess Mononoke

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3. Her

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2. Idiocracy

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1. Taxi Driver

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#338  Edited By stabfreely

These could be in any order...I watch them when ever they are on.


The Outlaw Josey Wales

Dirty Harry

The Cowboys

True Grit (Original)


American Graffiti


The Game of Thrones (The Whole Series) (If this doesn't count then Cold Mountain)

Cinderella Man

I'll add one movie that doesn't have superior acting and has CGI ...The Chronicles of Riddick

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  1. The Empire Strikes Back
  2. Alien
  3. Forrest Gump
  4. Raising Arizona
  5. Ferris Beuller's Day Off
  6. Ghostbusters
  7. Superman: The Movie
  8. Aliens: Special Edition
  9. Kill Bill - Vol.1
  10. Close Encounters of the Third Kind

The ordering will likely change as time goes by as it's changed considerably from the last time I listed them several years back.

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#340  Edited By Emoasyou

Before I get to the top 10 I have some honourable mentions in no particular order due to these being the films i reeled of top of my head when thinking of a top 10 lol

Captain America Civil War

High Fidelity

Long Shot


The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Enemy Of The State

Definetly Maybe

Die Hard

Inside Out

In Bruges

Starting at 10 and making the way to 1 here is my list of fave films of all time this is a very dificuilt question to answer but one I relish giving a go because of my love of films.

10) Lost In Translation

9) Inception

8) 12 Angry Men

7) War For The Planet Of The Apes

6) Grosse Pointe Blank

5) The Departed

4) Interstellar

3) Avengers : Endgame

2) The Lives Of Others

The Unidsputed number 1) The Dark Knight.

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I don't know how could it be Top 10 or 5 of favourite films. I liked one, but in a couple of years I don't like it any more, or I'm the only person with such situation?

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#342  Edited By Heidegger

So many fine lists! Film buffery can be as rewarding as gaming. And we all love lists, where we identify similar tastes we may find new interesting recommendations.

1. 2001 - A Space Odyssey

2001 is still widely-regarded as the greatest sci-fi film ever, why then do so few attempt to follow it? The formula is no secret: intelligent and epic with realistic characters playing professional non-emo roles. Contact, Interstellar, Gravity, Arrival etc all failed as they put too much weight on emotional main characters, thinking that's the most effective way to pull the audience in. 2001 proved 50 years ago that's not what we want from our sci-fi: we want grand ideas which tickle the intellect, we don't want to be distracted by one sole character's emotional issues, issues that better suit being handled via a family-drama film. Deep sci-fi as a genre isn't about human emotion: it's about our imagination. 2001 will be lauded in another 50 years time while the afore-mentioned films will be forgotten.

Let's make sci-fi deep again!

2. Excalibur

John Boorman's epic opus, retelling the famous Arthurian tale as fever dream. I get stunning goosepimples just thinking about this film. Featuring the original dramatic use of the incredible Carmina Burana chorus, which despite since being overused in other media still mightily hits home here. Excellent evocative music otherwise too.

3. Oldboy.

Obligatory must-watch in original Korean language with subs! Choi Min-Sik ties with Daniel Day-Lewis (There Will Be Blood) in offering us the greatest of acting performances. Everything else is damn perfect too. Avoid reading about this film online, don't even look at the description. Watch it blindly, you will be stunned.

4. There Will Be Blood.

Proper cinema. TWBB has a gorgeously-effective soundtrack which elevates the hypnotic drama to another level. Day-Lewis is obscenely good, Paul Dano is also outstanding. These two, plus the camera and soundtrack, combine to create high art out of what at first appears to be a humdrum story.

5. Apocalypse Now

Poetic horror. Spellbinding. Watch the original cut if you haven't seen it before. The Redux is good but the film loses its perfect pacing so better save it for the rewatch. While Sheen and crew are effective template characters, it's Brando's Kurtz we remember most. Rare magnetism. Gorgeous locations filmed with expert cine-technique.

6. 1984

The most important novel ever written gets a faithful film adaptation, which necessarily cuts down on the heavy detail while still making us feel the world Orwell intended. Eurythmics may sound somewhat distracting at first, but it eventually fits the future-retro vibe nicely.

7. Pink Floyd's The Wall

Similar to 1984, the greatest album of all time gets a faithful film companion. Bob Geldof surprises with a depth of feeling we never knew he had. If you're not a fan of the album, this picture will probably make no sense. But for fans, it's a beautifully dark work of passion.

8. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

It's true what they say: Empire is the best Star Wars, and thus one of the greatest films of all time. As with all original trilogy, watch the "despecialized" edition: original theatrical cuts but with the recent HD remastering.

9. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

The funniest and most accurate portrayal of total psychedelic hedonism. If you've never been in that world, you'll likely not get it.

10. It's a Wonderful Life

I saw this for the first time only last Christmas. Didn't expect much, turns out it's an instant top ten! Gave me a rare manly tear in the eye. A truly wonderful film.

...just missed out: REC 1/2 and 1951's Moby Dick.

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#343  Edited By Hoblist


1. SAFETY LAST! (1923)

A silent comedy film starring Harold Lloyd, Safety Last! is a classic in the world of comedies. It also has the iconic image of the actor hanging on for dear life from the hands of a skyscraper clock.

2. DUCK SOUP (1933)

Directed by Leo McCarey, The Marx Brothers’ Duck Soup is one of the era’s most finely made comedies. It is a satirical piece on Fascism, nationalism and dictator-like leaders.

3. MODERN TIMES (1936)

One simply does not write about comedy films without mentioning Charlie Chaplin. Modern Times, both written and directed by Chaplin himself, is a slapstick satire on the Machine Age. It deals with his iconic character, Little Tramp, struggling to fit in with the modern, industrial world. It is considered to be Chaplin’s last silent comedy


The Pink Panther first released in December 1963 in Italy. It later went on to become a franchise with several films under the banner. The film deals primarily with a clumsy detective in pursuit of an infamous jewel thief, eventually leading him to an unusual suspect. It also gave birth to a cartoon character with the same name.


The 1964 film was a political satire on the Cold War and the fears of a nuclear conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. It showed an American general putting the world at risk of a nuclear warfare when he deploys a B-52 bomber on the Russians. Dark and funny at the same time, this film is relevant for many even today.


Another masterpiece in satirical comedy, Blazing Saddles portrays the then taboo topic of racism in a hilarious manner. Bart is appointed the first black sheriff of an all-white small town when the previous sheriff is killed, in the hope that this will chase away the townsmen from their homes. The film was nominated for three Academy Awards and is considered to be a classic comedy today.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail, a British slapstick comedy, is a parody on the legend of King Arthur and his quest for the Holy Grail. Shot mostly in Scotland, the film in addition to bone-tickling comedy, offers several scenic shots and beautiful views of Doune Castle and a few others.


Silver Streak, directed by Arthur Hiller, is a thriller comedy about a murder on a train from Los Angeles to Chicago. Based on an original screenplay by Colin Higgins, the movie collected over 51 million dollars at the box office and was the beginning of the comic duo of Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor.

9. UP IN SMOKE (1978)

Directed by Lou Adler, Up in Smoke was Cheech and Chong’s first feature length movie. Due to its stoner comedy genre, the film was initially received negatively upon release, but is now deemed as a classic.

10. CADDYSHACK (1980)

Directed by Harold Ramis, and starring Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Michael O’ Keefe and Ted Knight, Caddyshack was a sports comedy about an exclusive golf club and its members. The movie earned a cult fan following and later inspired several similar comedies.

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#344  Edited By AtheistPreacher

I couldn't possibly do a ranked list, so instead I'll present these by order of release date, from earliest to most recent.

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The Court Jester (1956). Here's the wildcard in my list from the 50s. It's a silly comedy featuring Danny Kaye that my mom introduced to me as a kid. It's brilliant. Lots of good gags and musical numbers.

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Gandhi (1982). Gandhi is one of the more incredible people who ever lived. Just having a compelling subject doesn't always mean a good movie, but this one surely is.

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The Karate Kid (1984). The perfect growing-up film. Pretty much every little boy dreams of having someone like Mr. Miyagi in their corner, not to mention the ability to beat the crap out of any classmates who might be bothering them.

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Aliens (1986). One of the greatest action films ever made. It's slow at the beginning, but all the tense build-up just makes the ensuing insanity all the better.

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Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991). It turns out that James Cameron is pretty good at making action movies, despite apparently being kind of a dick. And for my money, Terminator 2 is the action movie against which all others must be judged.

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As Good As It Gets (1997). Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt both won acting Oscars for their performances in this movie, and it's easy to see why. They both play extremely compelling characters to perfection. And the love story, while unconventional, is about as touching as anything you'll be able to find anywhere.

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Erin Brockovich (2000). It's hard not to like watching spunky lawyers take down big companies for bad shit, and this movie does it better than just about any other.

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High Fidelity (2000). I'm generally not huge into romantic comedies, but High Fidelity and As Good As It Gets are the exception. This film has so many good lines that I can practically quote the whole thing by heart.

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Howl's Moving Castle (2005). Basically a stand-in for a whole bunch of Miyazaki films, but it's my favorite of the bunch.

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Spotlight (2015). This might seem like an inherently political pick in the current climate, but I don't really mean it that way. It's just a compulsively watchable movie.

Honorable mentions

Hoosiers (1986). Best sports movie ever made. 'Nuff said.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989). A lot of people seem to think Raiders is the best, but I've always liked Last Crusade more. Maybe it's the inclusion of Sean Connery, who is brilliant in it.

Mr. Holland's Opus (1995). I had a lot of good teachers, and probably have a bit of romanticism about the profession, which might be part of the reason why I find this movie so compelling.

Jackie Brown (1997). I watched it for the first time on Netflix less than five years ago. Probably my favorite Tarantino film.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001). I never woulda thunk that this one would slip out of my top ten, but maybe I just watched it too many damned times. Still an amazing movie, and by far the best experience I ever had of watching a movie in a theater. And FWIW, Jackson's combination of heavy use of miniatures along with cutting-edge CGI made for what I think are still the best use of special effects and the best-looking movie monsters to date.

Kill Bill, Volume 2 (2004). The first Kill Bill seemed like all style and little substance. The second one had substance in spades. And that dialogue. No one does dialogue quite like Tarantino.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009). The American remake is good, but the original Swedish version is perfection. Too bad the sequels are merely okay.

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#345  Edited By Lamlibu

All Marvel movies are my top picks.

I use Mobdro as the streaming application for my favorite movies that you can find out here: https://mobdroplus.com/pt/

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  • Casino
  • Casino Royale
  • Goodfellas
  • Heat
  • Se7en
  • The Dark Knight
  • The Godfather
  • The Godfather: Part II
  • The Silence of the Lambs
  • Zodiac

Honorable mention:

  • Batman Begins
  • Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
  • Inception
  • Rocky
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Time for an updated list 👀

  1. Burn After Reading (2008)
  2. Pi (1998)
  3. Alien (1979)
  4. Rope (1948)
  5. Fargo (1996)
  6. 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
  7. Blair Witch Project (1999)
  8. Cube (1997)
  9. The Truman Show (1998)
  10. 12 Angry Men (1957)

A lotta late 90s...

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I don't really have a top 10 actually because I watch a lot of everything, so...

Probably the Toy Story series and Star Wars movies. 😅

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1. Schindler's List

2. A Beautiful Mind

3. Steel Magnolis

4. Lion King

5. Beauty & the Beast the Original Cartoon but also loved the live action version

6. Forrest Gump

7. La Bamba

8. Iron Man 2008

9. Footloose 1984 Version

10. Dances with Wolves