I am afraid about the future of the Supreme Court and hence America

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I need to get this off my chest. Ruth Bader Ginsburg died today and I am afraid Trump and McConnell will put someone in the Supreme Court that will make sure Corporations never pay taxes again and further increase inequality in our economy. Not to mention stopping the advance of social issues. Can the Democrats still stop them? I don't think Mitch McConnell is an honest man, and will not abide by his own rule for not appointing Judges in an Election year. What are you guys thinking? Are you worried?

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Nah we fucked

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GOP has more numbers and the "moderates" have never defected. Its their choice now

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I don't think Mitch McConnell is an honest man, and will not abide by his own rule for not appointing Judges in an Election year.

Nah we fucked

Yup. My wife and I had a serious talk about moving to Canada a few weeks back.

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I'm not really worried about it right now, but yeah you're not alone.

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#6  Edited By Efesell

The Democrats will be far too busy pointing out the hypocrisy with what's about to happen to do anything else.

Anyway, am I worried? No not really. It's one more awful thing on top of the pile. I don't have the energy to engage further.

Not to imply that one shouldn't be, necessarily, I just ain't got it in me.

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Were fucked, say goodbye to Roe v Wade first, then they can get around to stuff like the ACA and gay marriage.

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I sure wish I lived in Europe right now.

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After Trump inevitably refuses to accept the election results, he'll have a Supreme Court that will definitely let him steal it.

Yup. Going great.

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My hope is that there are enough Republican senators in tight races that can't afford to allow a Supreme Court nominee to be rushed through. Republicans want their judges, but more than anything, all politicians want to be re-elected. Of course, I'm not sure if there is anything stopping them from doing so after the election, even if they are voted out anyway.

And Mitch McConnell has done more damage to democracy in this country than any other person this century. I have no doubt that he will do anything in his power to gain more power.

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#11  Edited By petesix0

Democratic leadership too interested in setting up villains for future sequels, too interested in presenting themselves as the sane alternative to feel useful and I really really wish it didn't feel that way. Garland was at best surrendering a win to not seem unsportsmanlike.

Reminds me of the UK Labour party whose main use appears to be standing presentably behind the people who have drinks while clinching folded money between fingers and politely reminding that they're next for HOURS.

@robertforster: We have on and off considered leaving the UK for Canada or Germany for a number of years now. This is not a local tide. Things are becoming fucked in a number of places all at once.

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My hope is that there are enough Republican senators in tight races that can't afford to allow a Supreme Court nominee to be rushed through.

McConnell has already said Trump's nominee will get a senate vote(contradicting the last time this happened, just as expected from the piece of shit) and so far Collins, Murkowski, Graham, and Grassley have all stated previously they would wait until after the election, but they aren't trustworthy in the slightest.

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If I was American, I'd be throwing up right now. The Republican Party is disgusting. 100 times more disgusting than the Canadian Conservative party, which is already quite disgusting.

Good luck to all of you.

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I think we're some years past the "I hope the bunch of criminals in charge don't keep doing terrible things" perspective.

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Once trump signed an executive order to make "patriotism" mandatory in schools to combat the "liberal propaganda" (aka actual history) I kinda figured that some crazy shit is about to go down.

We shall see.

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#16  Edited By Gundato

Look. It is going to be a hell of a next few months and it is only going to get worse before January.

If you want there to be a chance for things to get better after: Get out and fucking vote. Not just for president (but please for the love of everything you hold dear, vote trump out) but for government at every level.

Fascism keeps winning for two reasons:

  1. It is a lot easier to say you are against something than to be for something. They are against LGBTQ people and anyone who is too far down the color wheel they grabbed at home depot. They are against people telling them to show an iota of humanity. And so forth
  2. They figured out that it doesn't matter who is president. What matters is who is in the congress and who is in the senate. And it matters who is in state government

So make sure you know who is running for your state elections and make informed decisions. And if you don't like any of the candidates? Vote for the least bad option right now and work with grass roots organizations to get candidates you DO like in the running for the next round. One of the few good things to come out of the last four years was the wave of progressive candidates who ran as a reaction to us flushing our country down the toilet.

And if you can afford it, donate. Especially tonight where many groups are matching donations to actblue and the like. We probably can't stop this appointee but we can stop the next one.


Look, it sucks that RBG's death has almost immediately been forgotten in the name of politics. But let her legacy be one of people waking the fuck up rather than being the last straw.

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Depressing. I'm really tired of being ashamed to be in this country. I am an airline pilot, if not for the shitty travel economy I'd be heavily considering moving to a different country right about now. I really can't deal with the amount of hate and regression that is taking control of the country.

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So, unless Mitch manages to trick Senate Judiciary committee to come back, consider a nominee, hold hearing, vote it out of committee and then get the rest of the Senate back in session in 45 days, I don't think he can push to a nominee before the election. Wilder things have happened, but I think(its been a decade since I was in the business of trying to teach government) he would need to change the Senate rules to push it through any faster and that would take a full Senate vote.

If they somehow manage to do it in a lame duck session(Assuming Biden wins. If Trump wins, this is all moot), there are not rules any more and the Democrats will nuke the Filibuster from orbit. And once that happens, they could add four seats to the Court or just legalize abortion nation wide. The wheels are off and we are traveling in the unknown at that point.

But it is wild times. If they push through another nominee appointed by yet another President that did not win the popular vote, it will drive a very real wedge between the less populated fly over states and the far more populated coast. There will be a real feeling of disenfranchisement among people who have opposed these nominees. Like generation defining levels of resentment. And the folks in power know this. They know they are playing with fire and just want to hold on to power so it take forever to run the ball back.

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My friend's birthday discord call of DnD got interrupted by the news of her kicking the bucket. It was...definitely a buzzkill.

I just don't know. It sucks. It feels so beyond me, the psuedo-democracy and the fires and Covid. At this point I feel like the US won't get better until it becomes so bad that it falls apart. Literally.

If you told me 10 years ago that my best case-scenario for the future was a total breakdown of government I'd call you crazy, but now I don't see any other option that isn't just delaying greater awfulness.

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#21  Edited By impartialgecko

I would highly recommend not putting any faith into the Democratic Party to put up a fight. They had their chance to stack the courts in their favour as the Republicans have done for decades. They blindly assumed they would get another 8 years in power and did nothing to protect their extremely meagre achievements with Obama at the helm. Obama's asinine insistence on approaching every issue with a view to compromising with the Republicans, even when the Democrats had a majority in both houses, is why so little ground was gained back from the disastrous Bush years. They have failed at every juncture and the fact that all that stood between the country's democracy and absolute ruin was a barely-progressive octogenarian with pancreatic cancer is an indictment of their ability to protect the constituencies they claim are their core voting base.

Join local activist organisations and start enacting change on a local level. Whatever grim and vile shit the Republicans are doing on a national level, it doesn't have to happen where you live if you fight hard enough.

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The news about RBG is extremely sad and unfortunate, but the Dems screwed up way before that. To put it frankly, the Democratic Party already fucked up picking Joe Biden over Bernie Sanders as the nominee.

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It's very sad, but also very concerning. She was an incredible person.

So now, go vote.

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Yup, we're fucked.

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First, I'm grateful for Justice Ginsburg's work as an attorney and some of her SCOTUS decisions. The New York Times has some great pieces chronicling her life.

As for what comes next, Senator McConnell has made it clear he's willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure Republican-nominated judges are confirmed. In 2016, that meant effectively ignoring President Obama's SCOTUS nomination for months. This year, I wouldn't be surprised if it means a lame-duck confirmation regardless of the outcome of the election.

Hypocritical and disillusioning? Very, but it feels like this is just how Congress works now.

Whether or not that does long lasting damage to the USA will probably depend on who our next President is. I won't name names, but I feel one of the major candidates is MUCH better equipped to soothe any bitterness.

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Despite at times not agreeing with her beliefs nor politics. Still she was a legend. And that she was well respected and beloved. Tough but fair. Just hope that they can really get a judge with morals and values. Do not care what their party is. RIP!

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#27  Edited By DrSpaceLove

Going to sound like a dickhead here but this has been pissing me off for a hot second. She was a great person i'll give her that and in her prime yeah she was awesome but this is a reflection of how everything is going to shit. She should have resigned during obama but no she wanted to be on the supreme court as long as she could. This is sad but it is her hubris that got us in this pickle. The older generation wont let go and since they aren't moving with the times it is screwing everyone else. This is on her, what the next judge does is on her memory because she wouldnt let go. Yeah we are in for an awful time, and yeah gop is going to really put us back decades and the democrats allowed this to happen because they are too in bed with the wealthy to do any real change. RBG made a mistake by refusing to let go of power and its going to cost us more then almost everything she ever did.

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@plan6 said:

So, unless Mitch manages to trick Senate Judiciary committee to come back, consider a nominee, hold hearing, vote it out of committee and then get the rest of the Senate back in session in 45 days, I don't think he can push to a nominee before the election. Wilder things have happened, but I think(its been a decade since I was in the business of trying to teach government) he would need to change the Senate rules to push it through any faster and that would take a full Senate vote.

If they somehow manage to do it in a lame duck session(Assuming Biden wins. If Trump wins, this is all moot), there are not rules any more and the Democrats will nuke the Filibuster from orbit. And once that happens, they could add four seats to the Court or just legalize abortion nation wide. The wheels are off and we are traveling in the unknown at that point.

But it is wild times. If they push through another nominee appointed by yet another President that did not win the popular vote, it will drive a very real wedge between the less populated fly over states and the far more populated coast. There will be a real feeling of disenfranchisement among people who have opposed these nominees. Like generation defining levels of resentment. And the folks in power know this. They know they are playing with fire and just want to hold on to power so it take forever to run the ball back.

I'm not even counting on the Senate to vote on this issue. Trump will just place a justice on the court. Who's gonna stop him?

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@ry_ry: the court itself. They won’t accept anyone unless the Senate confirms them first.

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#31  Edited By frytup

@ry_ry said:

I'm not even counting on the Senate to vote on this issue. Trump will just place a justice on the court. Who's gonna stop him?

We're not quite at the point where Trump can just bypass powers constitutionally granted to the legislative branch and be taken seriously. Far easier for McConnell to just pull his usual shit. Even if Trump loses the election and agrees to leave without starting a civil war, he's still in office for another four months. That's plenty of time.

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#32  Edited By Ry_Ry

@plan6: You have more faith in John Roberts than I do.

@frytup: It's the last bit in that sentence though "and be taken seriously." He'll just tap dance around "how poorly Kavanaugh was treated" as his excuse and that'll be good enough for his base.

I hope you're both right though

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#33  Edited By CupOfDoom

The fundamental flaw is that we have a branch of government controlled by nine people with lifetime appointments. It should not feel like a crisis of democracy when an 87 year old dies. I hope that the despair that many people are feeling right now over this is translated into action. And doubly so for Democrats in The Senate because, if this doesn't get Democrats to put judicial reforms, and other pro-democracy reforms, into law the second they gain a governing majority. Nothing will.

Its hard not to be cynical and nihilistic though when, very likely, 6 out of 9 supreme court seats will be from presidents who lost the popular vote. Although, that shouldn't stop you from voting and protesting.

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McConnell couldn't even help himself with waiting at least a day and already made his hypocritical intentions known.

One Republican so far has come out insisting to vote on a nominee after the election. There are potentially 2 more who have said earlier this year that they would want the same thing. I forget if the party has 53 or 54 but that would leave Pence as the tie breaker so there will need to be another to come out against rushing a vote.

Of course those people could easily change their mind or simply cave by joining a vote that could take place after election day because we're not out of the woods until Jan 20th. Lots of things going against the worst not happening so I'm not holding my breath.

If there's one thing I'm certain of is that if people thought this election was already nasty then oh boy we haven't seen shit yet. This will get disgusting and make the Kavanaugh hearings look downright tame.

No matter what happens though, go vote.

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In a dark way, I'm a little inspired by this thread. But yeah, we're fucked and I'm glad I live in Korea, which is a crazy thing to say considering our proximity to a psychotic dictatorship.

As others have said though, I wish the Democrats would fucking nut up for once but they're just going to bitch and moan about hypocrisy while allowing the status quo to continue.

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@sethmode: They can't do much beyond being vocally defiant. They simply don't have the votes. Judges have been able to be confirmed by a simple majority in the Senate for a while now and why McConnell's main priority is forcing through as many votes on judge nominations as possible. It's up to some Republicans to not take the political bait and try turn down the partisan temperature and not try to join the push for a judge vote before the election.

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This is a comment from elsewhere, but I’ve shared it with those I personally know, and want to share it here to. Even if the worst is inevitable, it’s important to go down kicking, make them hear us, even if it doesn’t change anything, because we do have the numbers, and we do threaten their positions. If you live in the states mentioned, or have others that do, please share it with them. Here is the comment:


Lisa Murkowski and Chuck Grassley have indicated that they would *not* move forward with an election year SC nomination.

Tillis and Collins know that their Senate careers are over if they vote to replace.

And Mark Kelly could be sworn in as soon as Nov. 30.

If you live in AZ, CO, NC, ME, MT, SC, AK, or (especially) IA, call your Senators. Tell them to respect Justice Ginsburg’s wishes and wait until a new president is elected to appoint her replacement.

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@tartyron: also, Romney is a potential anti-trump Red senator.

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I realize that this is sort of an overall positive but it is super more depressing that we are just counting on some fuckers to be human.

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@sethmode: I know, and I agree. They likely won’t. But at this point, why make it easier for them by staying quiet? Make them squirm, even if just for a moment. Make them hear us, even if they chose to ignore it. Make them think, even if their goal is to make us all stop thinking.

At the risk of getting banned for being too political: this is the moment where Jimmy tells BJ that this time, it’s gonna be loud. Even if they win, we make them fucking work for it, even if it’s pissing in the ocean.

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@tartyron: Fair and well argued. Honestly, I'm just so tired.

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@sethmode: I am too, brother. I am too. But we don’t get to be tired. Because being tired is rolling over. I know you got the strength to go down fighting, no matter how bad it hurts, because we all do. And we have each other, we aren’t alone. The real nazis lost once, they can lose again.

I’m not saying it’ll work. I’m saying we go down fighting. I know which side I’m on. I see lots of people here that are tired like I am. Like you are. Like we all are. But it’s not time to rest.

It might seem Silly, but I credit games for teaching me to endure for ideals. I credit movies and books and education, but is the sharpest contract, games show us the ideals of enduring, taking hits and coming back at it. It’s childish, maybe. I’m 40, maybe I never grew past a certain point. But I do think that fighting overwhelming odds is not only important, but required of us in moments like this. And even if we lose, we lost trying. We lost running right the fuck at it. We hit them in the mouth a few times before we went down. And most importantly, we didn’t fucking stop.

We all deserve a rest. This is the worst year of all our collective lives. The thing is, we don’t get to rest. And that sucks. But even if they beat us, we don’t let them beat us.

I hope this is helpful. To you or whomever may read it. I only want to encourage you. Because I know, just by you knowing the right side of things, that you are likely stronger than you know.

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We are living in the type of failed state that we always used to read about in the news.

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I sure wish I lived in Europe right now.

We would be more than happy to welcome you to our lovely country of Finland. No natural disasters, moderate temperatures, lots of unspoiled nature, universal healthcare and education and most importantly very fast and affordable internet. Here's a link to help you out.

Honestly speaking, taking control of the courts has always been one of the first checks in the "So You Want to be a Dictator" playbook. My sister is moving to Nebraska in the near future and I'm definitely more worried for her than for friends and relatives who've moved to places like China, Russia, the UAE or Egypt in the past.

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First RIP to a wonderful person who tried her best to move this country forward. I agree that Mitch would find it difficult to get a vote before the election but I also don't think he would want to. Those GOP Senators who are fighting to keep their seats are not going to want to vote on something that could even more energize the public who wants them out of office. It will be the lame duck season (assuming Biden wins otherwise it doesn't matter) where the battle lines will form and the pressure will be off one way or another on the vulnerable Senators. If those Senators lose their elections than they have no reason not to vote in a new Justice and if they win their election they have six more years in office so will most likely vote in a new Justice.

Only hope is a Biden win and then Alito or Thomas retires but in today's political climate I'm sure we will see justices waiting for their party to be in charge before they retire otherwise it really is a lifetime appointment.

2020 will be a year that students of U.S. History study for decades if not hundreds of years from now, remember where you were and what you did because it is almost assured that in 10, 20, 30 years you will be asked about it. I almost threw up when I heard the news of Justice Ginsberg passing but then I donated money to the "Get Mitch or die trying" fund that is supporting various races that the polls show could flip this election. That fund had raised 3.5 million dollars before 5:30 pm today and since then it has received over 6 million dollars in additional support and now probably is over 10 million dollars so people are not giving up on this yet. Please vote if you are of age, it is the best thing you can do as giving up hope is what people like Mitch and Trump are banking on.

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#50 gamer_152  Moderator

Ginsburg did some wonderful things in her lifetime and her death represents a huge problem for people who would hope the American political system would be anything short of abjectly cruel to its citizens. Unfortunately, it's not so much the single event which will reverse the advancement of equality and justice in the United States, as it is one of many. No doubt, there are many more to come. I'd echo roughly what others posters here have said about the Democrats. Frequently, their goals are simply slight variations of Republican goals; this is especially true with regards to big business in the U.S. But even when they genuinely want to oppose the Republicans, that opposition tends to be weak-willed and based on fundamental misunderstandings of the political machine. In practical terms, the best they can do here is draw attention to how dangerous McConnell'a plan is, but I wouldn't guarantee that they'd do that with much effectiveness.

On which note, vote, but be aware that voting won't fundamentally solve these problems. If Biden gets in in November, the president will be the VP from the administration that teed up Trump. Talk to your representatives, get out on the street, and generally become involved in constructive direct action wherever you can. The best case scenario is that things are going to get much worse before they get better and they won't get better at all without a fight.